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How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin - If you are a website owner using the WordPress engine and are having trouble logging in to the Administrator page for forgetting password or for any other reason then this post may be very important to you. Because on this occasion we will discuss how to reset WordPress admin password via phpMyAdmin. We assume you're someone who already has a website and the website is already running, and now you want or need to change the password through phpMyAdmin.

How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

Why Reset WordPress Password via phpMyAdmin?

WordPress actually has a feature that is important enough for you to forget the password, which is using the feature "Lost your password" or we used to know the feature "Forgot Password / Forgot Password". These features you can access through the link on the login page.

You can click on the link to get into the page that will ask you to enter a username or email to reset the password. After that WordPress will send a link to reset the password to your corresponding email and associated with the account (can not be arbitrary email).

But sometimes there are situations where you can not access email for various reasons, or your WordPress site fails to send an email with a link to reset the password so you can not reset the password. In such conditions of course you need to reset the password directly from the database, the easiest way to do that is through phpMyAdmin.

How to Reset Password Through phpMyAdmin.

1. First login to your cPanel website, accessible by adding / cpanel after your website. or

2. Enter username & password to login cPanel.

3. Then go to File Manager, then in folder public_html open file wp-config.php to know username & password phpMyAdmin application.

4. Open the file by clicking menu option Edit / view wp-config.php file.
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'examplecomdb');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'jurnalwebADM');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'blablabla');
Important: do not edit DB_NAME, DB_USER or DB_PASSWORD or other text on the file, just copy it. This is required if your phpMyAdmin page asks for a login password, otherwise the above section is not necessary, skip it.

5. Then locate and click phpMyAdmin icon menu on your cPanel page.
How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

6. It will send you to the phpMyAdmin page, then search for the database name you use for the WordPress website, for example examplecomdb.
How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

7. After that you will see a table view in your WordPress database. Look at the [prefix] _users (wp_users) table row and click 'Browse' to open it.
How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

Note: The table names on your database may have different prefixes, either wp_ or others, it depends on the initial setting when you install WordPress.

8. Next you will see the contents of the users table, you can click the edit button on the user line you want.
How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

Then make changes to the user_pass section if you want to change the password, but do not forget to choose MD5 on the function, because wordpress using MD5 function to encrypt the password.

Remember: every password you create / specify in the value section, will automatically be encrypted to 32 characters when you save, and that's what will be stored in the database. Do not worry because WordPress will still recognize the password you write in that value later.

How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel

9. The last step is to click the Go button at the bottom and the process to change the password has been completed here.

You can try logging in with your username and newly created password. Similarly article about How to Reset Password WordPress Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel, hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for us all.

1 comment for "How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin in cPanel"

  1. How to Reset a WordPress Password Through phpMyAdmin - If you are a website owner using the WordPress engine and are having trouble logging in to the Administrator page for forgetting password or for any other reason then this post may be very important to you.
    how to change wordpress password in cpanel


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