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Practical SEO Guidelines for Your Business

Practical SEO Guidelines for Your Business - Search engine optimization (SEO) is the warehouse of techniques, approaches and strategies so that your site can be found by search engines. Everyone knows what SEO experts have done, but very few know how they do it. Many tactics exist, but SEO is not a cheap business, so we must be careful when allocating for promotional costs.
  • First, you must be clear about what you want to achieve from the business side:
  • focus, focus, focus!
  • Second, you must have the spirit and prepare yourself for the commitment of time, discipline and money.
  • Finally, you must decide which tools and techniques will be used to generate return on investment (ROI). If you use your resources too little, you will fail.

If you want to be on the first page of Google search results, this SEO guide is not for you. Don't trust people who claim they can make you on the first page overnight, in an ethical way. Even if you manage to get around the system briefly, Google's anger will lead to you. If you are serious about SEO, prepare for the long term and do it with patience and perseverance. There are really complicated things about SEO. This is based on three principles:
  • Content that is valuable, relevant, unique, timely will rank well on search engines.
  • Content must be read by search engines to be found.
  • SEO work takes time to produce results.

Practical SEO Guidelines for Your Business

Next we will explain as a Practical SEO guide for your business that you can practice and also apply:

Valuable Content

Let's start with valuable content. Before you mention the term "SEO," ask yourself, what should I offer to the world, why is it unique and why would anyone want it? Do you have a digital strategy that covers all parts of your digital communication? Remember that you are competing with millions of other sites. In theory, you can spend a lot of time on SEO and crave the first page just to learn that your customers don't find your content, products, or services interesting.

Instead, don't give up too fast. Many business owners have great products and services but never get to the public because they don't care about SEO.

So, produce prominent content. Make sure you bring value. Sometimes sacrifice. You can choose to share valuable information that your competitors might use against you. You can take a unique perspective that might trigger debate or even criticism. Be yourself, unique and interesting, you have to give something to get something. Provide more than sales promotions.

Perform a cost-benefit analysis that includes the value of brand recognition. Remember that it takes time to see the results, usually one to two months, maybe more. Your main goal is to find a competitive place and establish yourself as an authority in your area of ​​expertise so that you can influence the pattern of purchase. People will remember you and come to you when their needs arise.

Regarding content, make sure everything you write is well structured, clean and free of factual and grammatical errors. Write using simple language. It is generally recommended that site content be written at the sixth grade reading level. It's not possible for all industries, but do the best. Friendly, friendly and loose. Use humor, but be careful not to offend and normalize boundaries.

Always keep your audience in mind. Place the most important information at the top of the page so that it can be easily found by readers. Because most web users don't read, but they just glance.

Use headings and lists with bold. Create information that is easy to digest and avoid jargon, cliché and use as much language as possible. Make sure that your navigation structure is task oriented and user friendly. Your user experience must always be fun.

Help Google find you

When you already have valuable content and now you are ready to move on to the next step is to show search engines and humans how to find your site. In this SEO guide, we focus on Google, because it has the largest search market share, but this also applies to other search engines. It can be said that if you are ranked well on Google, it will rank well on other search engines. There are many SEO techniques, but we prefer to focus on some that have been tested and proven:
  • Organically maximize the number of inbound links from sites with high domain and page authority.
  • Make your page readable by the machine by implementing consistent on page optimization for your main page.

Building Inbound Links

This technique causes a lot of confusion and debate in SEO circles but for no apparent reason. It's easy and based on the assumption that the quality calculation of the following links leads back to your site is the most effective way for Google to determine the value of your website. Backlinks are very much like "Like" from Facebook. Google's logic here is really simple, if the site is reputable and relevant links to you, your content must be valuable.

An important note here is that link building must be organic. If you have a very rapid increase in backlinks over a short period of time, Google considers this as spam, even though your business is legitimate. Spread your efforts for several months. There is nothing wrong with exchanging links with your industry colleagues. Make sure you avoid link collection and spam techniques.
  • Spam comments. Don't send comments on someone's site just to load your link. Comments with links that are only relevant to conversations and links can really help the audience.
  • Avoid link collections. This is a pure site created for the purpose of link building. Adding your site to relevant web directories and local listings is fine, but make sure you are only with reputable sites.

Links that produce and which do not produce

The link that produces is the most important in the SEO world and will produce more SEO juice (power rating) than other media. The link obtained is only a link made by a third party without involvement or persuasion. Google has a complex algorithm for knowing the links obtained. In our experience, links that produce quality are challenging to obtain, but difficult.

The next best thing to get links is quality links that don't generate, which are placed on web directories, articles, blog posts and other resources with Media. It is very important that the main purpose of the backlinks you add to posts is to provide additional content that helps readers learn more about your content and access various thematic components related.

Quality links are very important in the process. Quality links are influenced by two factors:
  • Reputation of the host link (domain) - the web site where your link is located.
  • Relevance of the text link (anchor).

With regard to SEO, we choose not to place links on websites that have domain authority below 50. We believe this is the point where costs and benefits.

In the world of SEO, quality always beats quantity. You must be committed to what you consider a reputable site, because this will definitely affect your SEO costs, but we recommend that you do not use anything with DA under you and we suggest that whatever you use will be at least above 25 (especially if you pay for it). Selective where you post your link. If the website host is penalized by Google for dubious SEO tactics, this can affect you.

Another important consideration is the composition of the anchor. An anchor is a text link that backlinks to your web page. It is very important that the link text is in sync with the keywords and meta data on your landing page. That's how Google determines link relevance. For example, a link called "all about hamsters" pointing to a web page about "disco music" would not rank well in organic search results.

How do you get high-quality inbound links from reputable sites?

Marketing content

Content is everything, especially with the recent Google Hummingbird algorithm revolution. Google's ingenuity becomes clearer in the simplicity of the approach of providing valuable, interesting, timely content and you will be well ranked. A few years ago, Google was not able to analyze the luxury of "humanized" content because of the lack of computing power, but with technological advances and falling hardware prices, Google is now able to analyze deeper content and build relationships between various logical and intelligent web elements.

Content marketing is just an effort to promote and syndicate your content through various publishing channels. Of course, the principles of content value and industry relevance apply here more deeply. One way to promote your content is by publishing articles, blog posts and news releases on relevant sites. Some are free and some are paid. We have had good experience with MyPRGenie, Social Media Today, and Ezine Articles, all of which have starred DA. If you manage to make it on the site, the quality of SEO is truly the highest.

Free and paid directory

Another way to do this is through social media. More than a challenge because you will have to build quite large on the following social media channels; However, it has the benefits of great marketing far beyond SEO. It is not clear how much SEO you will receive from social media though. Google has shifted the emphasis to Google Plus and even now has changed continuously. We leave social media from this SEO guide because we believe it stands alone and should not be used primarily as an SEO tool.

Placing your ad in a web directory must be used to help local clients find your business on the web, not to advance your SEO agenda. This directory is usually held geographically, sectorally with themes. Make sure you enter your business list correctly.

We prefer to work with relevant directories that have DA above 50. With some quality directories, you may have to wait for months. There is a simple reason for this: competition. Everyone wants to be there for free. Some directories provide the option to pay for an expedited review process. When we say the word "pay," we do not mean paying for placement; we mean paying for a short review, which is usually 2-3 business days. Your listing may still be rejected after you pay. Avoid directories that guarantee placement at a cost. We recommend that you focus on directories that specialize in your industry first, because Google will give the link a higher value.

Most paid directories offer annual and permanent options, with permanent options that are significantly more expensive. Some offer placement of several deep links in addition to your main domain.

Optimization on the page

SEO is not a science but a commitment to certain principles. This is not the complexity of the principles that make SEO consistently challenging but endless discipline and commitment to implement it. To optimize one real estate site project correctly on the main page, we were able to see a 40% increase across key month-to-month metrics and a 14% increase in year-on-year visits, page views and time on page. Our regional geometrics also increased by 24%. You must follow these principles without stopping:

1. Try to focus on one relevant keyword (phrase) per page. It must be unique to reuse your site - not your same keywords in some places.

2. The keywords you choose for the page must be found in the following fields:
  • The page title and meta title (some systems produce meta titles automatically based on page titles). Make sure your page title is always Heading 1.
  • Post
  • URL.
  • Content (at least three times, with the first paragraph is the most important).
  • Meta description. It must be well written and capture the attention of the audience, will appear as a search for the results of pieces and help convert casual browsers into visitors.
  • Image file name (recommended that you use at least one image).
  • Alternative image description. Just remember that the main purpose of the ALT attribute is to describe the image to make it more accessible.

3. Use internal links and links to relevant sources, but not too much. We consider three of each optimization per 500 words.

4. Copies must contain at least 300 words.

5. The title must be limited to 70 characters.

6. The meta description must be limited to 156 characters.

7. Use static URLs.

So the conclusion from the above discussion is that there are more practical SEO techniques or guides available, but we highlight the people we believe provide the best return on investment. In the end, you have to decide for yourself what SEO work you can manage for the long term. Don't turn SEO into your main activity. Remember that your main goal is to focus on what you do best for the business. Good business is the basis of good SEO.

1 comment for "Practical SEO Guidelines for Your Business"

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