What Factors can Affect Google Ranking?

Factors that can Affect Google Ranking - Did you know that there are more than 200 factors that affect a website's ranking on Google? That's why the competition on the first page of Google is so fierce. Google deliberately has many assessment factors in order to be fair and prevent manipulation.

But fortunately, you don't have to meet all those Google Ranking factors to get ranked first. Because, the 200 Google Ranking factors are not all the same weight. So, you better just focus your SEO strategy on the main factors that most influence Google's assessment, namely:
  • Content Quality
  • Backlinks
  • Search Intent
  • Website Speed
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Domain Authority
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Website Structure
  • Website Security
  • User Experience
  • Relevant Business Information

Google Ranking Factors Most Important

Google's algorithms are always updated and refined. So the main Google Ranking factors below are also subject to change at any time. 

What Factors can Affect Google Ranking?

For now, these 11 factors are indeed the main ones. However, if there are any changes in the future, we will update this article as soon as possible.

1. Content Quality

In 1996, Microsoft founder Bill Gates once said, "Content is King."  And 24 years later, his words are still valid. In Google's eyes, content is the King that should come first.

High-quality content will also rank high in SERPs or Google search results. So important, if the website meets most of the factors in this article but the content is perfunctory, the website will still not get the first rank. 

Cruel? Not really.

Because, this content quality factor can be said to be closely related to Google's mission. Google was created with the aim of providing useful information that is easily accessible to everyone. If the content is perfunctory, it means that it will not be useful, right?

2. Backlinks

The results of Off Page SEO efforts are also included in Google's ranking factors. One of them is backlinks.

Backlinks are links posted on other websites that point to your own website. The more backlinks, the more your website is considered important, useful, and trustworthy. 

Because, other websites do not hesitate to make you as a role model. Even if you're a competitor. This is why backlinks are one of the main factors in Google Ranking.

However, you should be careful with backlinks. Like content, backlinks must also be of high quality. So, you can't just carelessly receive backlinks from perfunctory websites. 

Your backlinks must be relevant and come from trusted websites with stable traffic. It's okay to have a small number of backlinks, as long as they are of high quality. Instead of perfunctory backlinks from obscure websites that are not connected at all.

3. Search Intent

In short, a search intent is what that such user is actually looking for on Google. If the user is looking for "catfish tips" then he is looking for tips/guides on how to catfish. Instead of looking for the history and origins of why catfish exist in Indonesia. 

Or when a user searches for "buy imported cats" it means that he is looking for a website that sells imported cats because he wants to buy them. Instead of looking for ways to smuggle imported cats from abroad.

If that's the case, Google won't give you the top spot. Because, your content is not useful and does not meet the needs of users. 

Therefore, every time you want to create content, make sure the discussion is in accordance with the user's search intent. To find out, you can do keyword research first.

4. Website Speed

Who is not resentful if they click on a website in Google search results, but the website does not open? 

Well, Google understands this very well. Google is aware that people want to get information quickly and don't want to linger to see loading icons spinning. So, Google will prioritize fast websites in its search results.

5. Mobile Friendly

Nowadays, smartphones are an indispensable aspect of modern human life. In fact, 52.2% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, you know. 

So, it is not surprising that in 2018, Google implemented a new algorithm, namely the Google Mobile First Index.The algorithm prioritizes website performance on mobile devices rather than on computers. 

This means that websites that are heavy to open and have a messy appearance when accessed via a smartphone, the ranking will fall freely. In fact, you can say goodbye to page one of Google.

6. Domain Authority

It can be said that the Domain Authority (DA) is Google's way of assessing the reputation and expertise of a website on the topics discussed. In other words, the higher the score (0 – 100), the more Google believes that you are indeed an expert in the topic and can provide quality content. 

As a result, websites with high scores are likely to be positioned higher in search results. The same as when in schools where students get good grades, it is more likely to get a top 10 ranking.

7. Keyword Optimization

People search for something on Google using certain keywords. So it is common for keywords to be a factor that affects website ranking on Google. Therefore, you must ensure that the published content has been optimized for keywords.

This keyword optimization is also known as On Page SEO. Where you don't just include keywords in the content. But also on meta descriptions, images, title tags, and many others. 

8. Website Structure

In addition to the content structure discussed above, the website structure turns out to be also the main factor in Google Ranking, you know. 

Why is that? Because, the neat structure makes it easier for Googlebot to do the indexing process on your website.

In short, Googlebot is a web crawler responsible for getting your website into Google's database. So that your website will appear in search results when users search for certain keywords on Google. Well, this process is called indexing. 

9. Website Security

Cybercrime is becoming more rampant day by day. In fact, there are around 90 thousand hacker attacks on WordPress every minute, you know.

So, it's no wonder that Google has made security a factor that affects website rankings since 2014. Google doesn't want to display an unsafe website at the top because it's the same as telling users to enter the crocodile cage. 

10. User Experience

User experience is how the visitor experiences interacting with your website. Does the visitor find it difficult to find what he needs? Or the interaction went smoothly and they easily found it? 

Well, you can guess that a website with poor UX will not be prioritized by Google in the top position of the search results. Because, the website makes it difficult for visitors and makes them frustrated.

Then, how can Google know which websites with good UX and bad ones? Do users report it to Google? 

No, it's not like that. Instead, Google uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) called RankBrain. RankBrain assesses your website's UX based on three factors:
  • CTR - CTR (click-through-rate) is the percentage of how many people click on your website in Google search results. For example, your website appears on Google 1000 times with the keyword "kitten", but only in search clicks 100 times. Well, that means your CTR is 10%. Google considers a high CTR to be a sign that the website is relevant and solutive to searchers. 
  • Bounce Rate - In short, bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your website immediately after opening a page without having any interaction. Just clicking on a menu or a link is not. Well, in contrast to CTR, a high bounce rate actually indicates a bad thing. The higher your bounce rate percentage means that the quality of the content on the page is very low. Either because it doesn't match the search intent, doesn't update, misleads, or other reasons. If that's the case, Google won't give you the top position because your website is useless and irrelevant. 
  • Dwell Time - Dwell time is how much time a visitor spends on your website after clicking on it from Google search results. The higher the dwell time, the better. Yup, dwell time is almost similar to the bounce rate above. The difference is, the bounce rate focuses on one page only, while the dwell time is on your entire website.

11. Clear and Consistent Business Information

This last Google Ranking factor applies specifically to those of you who have an online business. Google ranks the brands it considers the most credible, trusted, and relevant in its search results. So, the clearer and more consistent your business-related information on the internet, the more Google will prioritize it.

This Google Ranking Factor is also called Local SEO and there are at least three things you should pay attention to:
  • The same name, full address, and phone number when displayed in various places;
  • Have signed up for and completed a profile on Google My Business;
  • Have consumer reviews on Google and other review websites;

Those are some of the factors that can affect Google Ranking in 2023. If you have any questions, there is no need to be shy about leaving them in the comments below. We will be happy to answer them. Good luck with your SEO strategy

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