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What are the Main Functions of Hosting and VPS

Have you ever created a website? If you've ever been, of course you're familiar with the term hosting. As one of the components in the website creation process, in general, hosting is needed to store various data so that it can be accessed online.

What are the Main Functions of Hosting and VPS

The concept and way web hosting works is almost the same as a computer, where you can get resources in the form of internal storage memory, RAM, operating system, and other specifications. The difference is, web hosting is a server computer that is continuously connected to an internet connection so that existing data can be accessed by anyone.

So, in order to get to know more about web hosting, here we have prepared an explanation of the functions of hosting and VPS (Virtual Private Server) that you need to know.

What are the Main Functions of Hosting

1. Storing data so that users can access it

The majority of internet users know web hosting as a data storage medium. This is not wrong, because one of the hosting functions can be used to store various types of data.

Examples of data that are usually stored in web hosting include images, videos, text, and various scripts that you want to display to website visitors.

Please note, hosting also has limitations in terms of resources that can be used, including storage capacity. Several web hosting companies provide rental packages with storage specifications ranging from 500MB to 100GB.

If you want to use larger resources, it is usually more suitable to use a VPS or Virtual Private Server which will also be discussed in this article.

2. Keep the Website Online

A hosting function that is no less important is to keep website or application content accessible online. Have you ever found a website or application that is down and cannot be accessed online? Well, most likely there was a problem with the hosting service being used at that time.

Hosting is an infrastructure that can make a website accessible at any time and from anywhere via the internet network. Without hosting, data on a website can only be accessed locally via the user's computer.

3. Determine the location of the website

When you rent web hosting, generally you will get a choice of where the server is located, whether the server is in Indonesia, Singapore, the United States, or another country in the world. This indirectly means you are choosing the region or location where the website is placed.

According to several sources, the location or hosting location of a website itself can determine the user experience. The reason is, the farther the hosting location is from the user, the website access speed will also decrease.

So, if the majority of your target website visitors are Indonesians, then it is best to use hosting located in Indonesia. Vice versa, if the target visitors are from abroad, it is recommended to use hosting located abroad.

VPS Functions You Need to Know

Every VPS or Virtual Private Server can be called web hosting, but every web hosting is not necessarily a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Simply put, VPS is a type of web hosting service that can be used by bloggers and web developers, here are the functions of VPS that differentiate it from other hosting packages.

1. Accommodates High Website Traffic

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a service that uses visualization technology to divide resources on a physical server into several virtual server packages. Therefore, it is not surprising that VPS is widely used to accommodate the needs of websites with large traffic because it has large resource support.

If you have an online shop website or news portal, it is highly recommended to use VPS as web hosting.

2.To save backup data

One of the advantages of VPS compared to other hosting packages is its relatively larger storage capacity. As a result, you can use VPS as a private backup service from other websites.

3. Remote Desktop

As previously explained, a VPS is like a computer that has RAM support, internal storage, operating system and other components like a computer.

With a continuously connected internet network, the VPS can function as a full server controller from any location.

4. As a VPN

Have you ever heard of VPN (Virtual Private Network)? Basically, VPS can also be used to build a VPN as a private network that can only be accessed by certain people.

Usually, this function is widely used by companies that require a special network for data exchange needs between employees.

5. Become a Trial Server

Because VPS has relatively large storage memory support, RAM, inodes, bandwidth and other components, it is not surprising that VPS are often used as test servers.

That is the function of hosting and VPS as a component for creating a website. Our tip, try to use web hosting from a company that has a trusted track record. Don't be tempted by cheap rental fees, because the reputation and security of your website data are at stake.

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