Showing posts with label Forex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forex. Show all posts
3 Tips Start Trading Larger Forex Positions

3 Tips Start Trading Larger Forex Positions

3 Tips Start Trading Larger Forex Positions - There are many traders who make the jump from small to large Forex trading positions without being aware of the challenges involved. Experienced traders will tell you it’s important to know what to expect before making the change. As a trader, it’s crucial to remember that raising the stakes and trading large positions may magnify potential profits, but it also increases risk. Keeping the following three tips in mind can help you better mitigate the risks of moving on to bigger trading positions.

3 Tips Start Trading Larger Forex Positions

Make sure you have sufficient funds

First things first: if you’re not in the green, try to steer clear of large positions. You don’t want to dig yourself into a bigger hole by potentially increasing your losses. Take a good look at your past trading performance and ask yourself if you are ready to start trading larger positions. It’s probably better to wait until you’ve consistently made profitable trades will small positions before taking the leap into bigger ones. If you’re in the red, focus on getting back in the green so you have the necessary funds to work with large positions.

Gradually increase position size

One of the most common mistakes traders make when switching to large positions is abruptly using the highest available leverage. Needless to say, this type of strategy can lead to heavy losses. Taking baby steps is important for a number of reasons. For one, it helps you mentally adjust to the idea of taking larger risks. Secondly, it’s a great way to understand how much you can actually afford to risk in trading. Don’t rush the process; ease into it and note what works for you.

Set appropriate stop-loss

Last but not least, learn how to use stop-loss to your advantage. Almost all traders agree that knowing when to get out of the trade is a must-have skill. Stop-loss is a great tool enabling you to cut your losses earlier rather than later. Setting a stop-loss is recommended, especially for your first couple of trades with large positions.

Trading large Forex positions can be challenging, but knowing what to expect can help. Above all, be aware of risk and take trading slow and steady.

Note : This article is not an investment advice. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational and based on external analysis and we do not warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. In accordance with European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) requirements, binary and digital options trading is only available to clients categorized as professional clients.

Some tips that I can share this time, about 3 Tips to Start Trading Larger Forex Positions. Hopefully with these fairly short tips, it can be useful for all of you. Thank you and good luck.

20 Things You Need to Know to be a Successful Trader - Forex Trading Tips

20 Things You Need to Know to be a Successful Trader - Forex Trading Tips

20 Things You Need to Know to be a Successful Trader - Forex has caused large losses to many inexperienced and undisciplined traders over the years. You need not be one of the losers. Here are twenty Forex Trading Tips that you can use to avoid disasters and maximize your potential in the currency exchange market.

20 Things You Need to Know to be a Successful Trader - Forex Trading Tips

1. Know yourself. Define your risk tolerance carefully. Understand your needs.

To profit in trading, you must make recognize the markets. To recognize the markets, you must first know and recognize yourself. The first step of gaining self-awareness is ensuring that your risk tolerance and capital allocation to forex and trading are not excessive or lacking. This means that you must carefully study and analyze your own financial goals in engaging forex trading.

2. Plan your goals. Stick to your plan.

Once you know what you want from trading, you must systematically define a timeframe and a working plan for your trading career. What constitutes failure, what would be defined as success? What is the timeframe for the trial and error process that will inevitably be an important part of your learning? How much time can you devote to trading? Do you aim at financial independence, or merely aim to generate extra income? These and similar questions must be answered before you can gain the clear vision necessary for a persistent and patient approach to trading. Also, having clear goals will make it easier to abandon the endeavor entirely in case that the risks/return analysis precludes a profitable outcome.

3. Choose your broker carefully.

While this point is often neglected by beginners, it is impossible to overemphasise the importance of the choice of broker. That a fake or unreliable broker invalidates all the gains acquired through hard work and study is obvious. But it is equally important that your expertise level, and trading goals match the details of the offer made by the broker. What kind of client profile does the forex broker aim at reaching? Does the trading software suit your expectations? How efficient is customer service? All these must be carefully scrutinised before even beginning to consider the intricacies of trading itself.Please refer to our forex broker reviews to find a reliable broker that suites your trading style.

4. Pick your account type, and leverage ratio in accordance with your needs and expectations.

In continuation of the above item, it is necessary that we choose the account package that is most suited to our expectations and knowledge level. The various types of accounts offered by brokers can be confusing at first, but the general rule is that lower leverage is better. If you have a good understanding of leverage and trading in general, you can be satisfied with a standard account. If you’re a complete beginner, it is a must that you undergo a period of study and practice by the use of a mini account. In general, the lower your risk, the higher your chances, so make your choices in the most conservative way possible, especially at the beginning of your career.

Read also: 9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader

5. Begin with small sums, increase the size of your account through organic gains, not by greater deposits.

One of the best tips for trading forex is to begin with small sums, and low leverage, while adding up to your account as it generates profits. There is no justification to the idea that a larger account will allow greater profits. If you can increase the size of your account through your trading choices, perfect. If not, there’s no point in keeping pumping money to an account that is burning cash like an furnace burns paper.

6. Focus on a single currency pair, expand as you better your skills.

The world of currency trading is deep and complicated, due to the chaotic nature of the markets, and the diverse characters and purposes of market participants. It is hard to master all the different kinds of financial activity that goes on in this world, so it is a great idea to restrict our trading activity to a currency pair which we understand, and with which we are familiar. Beginning with the trading of the currency of your nation can be a great idea. If that’s not your choice, sticking to the most liquid, and widely traded pairs can also be an excellent practice for both the beginner and the advanced traders.

Read also: 5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000

7. Do what you understand.

Simple as it is, failure to abide by this principle has been the doom of countless traders. In general, if you’re unsure that you know what you’re doing, and that you can defend your opinion with strength and vigor against critics that you value and trust, do not trade. Do not trade on the basis of hearsay or rumors. And do not act unless you’re confident that you understand both the positive consequences, and the adverse results that may result from opening a position.

8. Do not add to a losing position.

While this is just common sense, ignorance of the principle, or carelessness in its employment has caused disasters to many traders in the course of history. Nobody knows where a currency pair will be heading during the next few hours, days, or even weeks. There are lots of educated guesses, but no knowledge of where the price will be a short while later. Thus, the only certain value about trading is now. Nothing much can be said about the future. Consequently, there can be no point in adding to a losing position, unless you love gambling. A position in the red can be allowed to survive on its own in accordance with the initial plan, but adding to it can never be an advisable practice.

9. Restrain your emotions.

Greed, excitement, euphoria, panic or fear should have no place in traders’ calculations. Yet traders are human beings, so it is obvious that we have to find a way of living with these emotions, while at the same time controlling them and minimizing their effect on our lives. That is why traders are always advised to begin with small amounts. By reducing our risk, we can be calm enough to realize our long term goals, reducing the impact of emotions on our trading choices. A logical approach, and less emotional intensity are the best forex trading tips necessary to a successful career.

Read also: Tips for Doing Forex Trading While Working For Beginners

10. Take notes. Study your success and failure.

An analytical approach to trading does not begin at the fundamental and technical analysis of price trends, or the formulation of trading strategies. It begins at the first step taken into the career, with the first dollar placed in an open position, and the first mistakes in calculation and trading methods. The successful trader will keep a diary, a journal of his trading activity where he carefully scrutinizes his mistakes and successes to find out what works and what does not. This is one of the most importance forex trading tips that you will get from a good mentor.

11. Automate your trading as much as possible.

We already noted the importance of emotional control in ensuring a successful and profitable career. In order to minimize the role of emotions, one of the best of courses of action would be the automatization of trading choices and trader behavior. This is not about using forex robots, or buying expensive technical strategies. All that you need to do is to make sure that your responses to similar situations and trading scenarios are themselves similar in nature. In other words, don’t improvise. Let your reactions to market events follow a studied and tested pattern.

12. Do not rely on forex robots, wonder methods, and other snake oil products.

Surprisingly, these unproven and untested products are extremely popular these days, generating great profits for their sellers, but little in the way of gains for their excited and hopeful buyers. The logical defense against such magical items is in fact easy. If the genius creators of these tools are so smart, let them become millionaires with the benefit of their inventions. If they have no interest in doing as much, you should have no interest in their creations either.

13. Keep it simple. Both your trade plans and analysis should be easily understood and explained.

Forex trading is not rocket science. There is no expectation that you be a mathematical genius, or an economics professor to acquire wealth in currency trading. Instead, clarity of vision, and well-defined, carefully observed goals and practices offer the surest path to a respectable career in forex. To achieve this, you must resist the temptation to over explain, overanalyze, and most importantly, to rationalize your failures. A failure is a failure regardless of the conditions that led to it.

Read also: Basic Forex Trading Techniques for Beginners

14. Don’t go against the markets, unless you have enough patience and financial resilience to stick to a long term plan.

In general, a beginner is never advised to trade against trends, or to pick tops and bottoms by betting against the main forces of market momentum. Join the trends so that your mind can relax. Fight the trends, and constant stress and fear will wreck your career.

read also: How to Create Your Own Forex Robot (Expert Advisor) Simply

15. Understand that forex is about probabilities.

Forex is all about risk analysis and probability. There is no single method or style that will generate profits all the time. The key to success is positioning ourselves in such a way that the losses are harmless, while the profits are multiplied. Such a positioning is only possible by managing our risk allocations in accordance with an understanding of probability and risk management.

16. Be humble and patient. Do not fight the markets.

Recognize your failures, and try to accommodate them if they can’t be eliminated completely. Above all, resist the illusion that you somehow possess the alchemist’s stone of trading. Such an attitude will surely be ruinous on your career eventually.

17. Share your experiences. Follow your own judgment.

While it is a great idea to discuss your opinion on the markets with others, you should be the one making the decisions. Consider the opinions of others, but make your own choices. It is your money after all.

18. Study money management.

Once we make profits, it is time to protect them. Money management is about the minimization of losses, and maximization of profits. To ensure that you don’t gamble away your hard-earned profits, to “cut your losses short, and let profits ride”, you should keep the bible of money management as the centerpiece of your trading library at all times.

read also: How To Start Forex Trading For Beginners

19. Study the markets, fundamentals, and technical factors leading the price action.

That we have placed this so low in the list should not surprise the experienced trader. Faulty analysis is rarely the cause of a wiped-out account. A career that fails to begin is never killed by the consequences of erronerous application or understanding of fundamental or technical studies. Other issues that are related to money management, and emotional control are far more important than analysis for the beginner, but as those issues are overcome, and steady gains are realized, the edge gained by successful analysis of the markets will be invaluable. Analysis is important, but only after a proper attitude to trading and risk taking is attained.

20. Don’t give up.

Finally, provided that you risk only what you can afford to lose, persistence, and a determination to succeed are great advantages. It is highly unlikely that you will become a trading genius overnight, so it is only sensible to await the ripening of your skills, and the development of your talents before giving up. As long as the learning process is painless, as long as the amounts that you risk do not derail your plans about the future and your life in general, the pains of the learning process will be harmless.

Some tips that I can share this time about 20 Things You Need to Know to be a Successful Trader. Hopefully useful and good luck.
3 Ways to Identify the Strength of your Forex Trading

3 Ways to Identify the Strength of your Forex Trading

3 Ways to Identify the Strength of your Forex Trading - Most articles on psychology trade focus on how to minimize weaknesses rather than identifying and increasing one's strength. This may be because there is an assumption that when you overcome your weaknesses, you automatically improve your trading performance, but that is certainly not always the case.

3 Ways to Identify the Strength of your Forex Trading

This time, let's focus on a different approach by building our strength first so that we can overcome our shortcomings. But before we start we need to know first, what are the strengths and why are they important to be identified?

Simply put, strength is something you master. But unless you apply a certain strength in achieving productive results, you may not be able to recognize it or you might even see it as a weakness. So how can you identify the strength of your trading? Here are some steps that might help:

1. Review your trade journal

Review your trade records and mark those examples where you think they can perform well. Identify the ten most profitable trades for you and note the following: Which pair do you trade? Do you stick to your trading plan? Are you basing it only on technical, fundamental, or is it a combination of both? How long have you maintained your trade?. Besides asking yourself these questions, identify other common factors that help you win the trade.

2. Write down your strength as a Trader

I know this can be a difficult task, but the famous psychologist trader Brett Steenbarger gives an idea of ​​how we can do it. Let's use the VIA Survey made by the VIA Institute on Character to help people assess their strengths. Try to identify the top five from yourself: creativity, curiosity, openness of mind, love of learning, wisdom, courage, perseverance, integrity, vitality, love, kindness, social intelligence, citizenship, justice, leadership, forgiveness, simplicity, wisdom, self-control, appreciation of beauty, gratitude, optimism , humor, spirituality

Is it done ? Now what I want you to do is think of SPECIAL ways how you can use it every time you trade. For example, I rate love learning as my greatest strength. I think I can use this more by studying different systems and by reading more books about forex trading.

3. Ask for opinions from other people

Even though self-reflection is very helpful, we may ignore some traits that others can easily identify with us. So take the time to ask for opinions from others. Ask your colleagues, manager of traders or coaches, and friends what characteristics you have that they think can make you a better trader.

Record each input they provide and compare each input. You might be surprised at how other people see you. Just as identifying your weaknesses, it's also important to know what you are good at, regardless of whether you want to improve your game.

Do not take it wrong. The point of this article is not to overlook the importance of being able to identify your weaknesses. I just think that identifying your strengths is just as important in realizing your full potential as a trader. So many tips I can share about 3 Ways to Identify the Strength of your Forex Trading. May be useful.
9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader

9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader

9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader - Forex trading is more directed as art than science, this time I discuss a powerful forex tutorial. Like art, there are talents involved, but to succeed is not just relying on talent. The best forex traders hone their skills through practice and discipline. They conduct their own market analysis to determine the direction of market movements and learn how to maintain fear and greed.

9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader

In the forex tutorial in this article, we will see nine steps that beginner traders can use to perfect their abilities. And for traders who are experts, you might find some useful and useful tips to help you become more expert. Here are the 9 steps:

Step 1: Determine your goals and choose the trading style that matches that goal. Make sure the trading style you choose fits your personality.

Before you start any trip, it is very important that you have some ideas like where you will go and how you get to the destination. So it is very important that you think first about the clear goals to be achieved and the trading methods used to reach your goals. Every trading style requires a different approach and each style has a different level of risk, so if you want to succeed, you need different attitudes and approaches. For example, if you can't sleep well if you have an open position, you should only trade daily or day trade. On the other hand, if you have enough funds to withstand price movements for several months, you might consider using the trader position method. But whatever style of trading you choose, make sure that it matches your personality and trading style. An inappropriate personality will only make you stressed and lose money.

Step 2: Choose a broker that makes you comfortable and also offers a trading platform that suits your trading style.

It is important to choose a broker that provides a trading platform that allows you to do market analysis as you wish. A broker's reputation is also important for you to consider. You must know the policies of each broker and his role in the market. For example, trading that does not go through the exchange or spot is different from trading on the stock exchange. So in choosing an important broker read the broker's documentation, know the policies and also make sure that the trading platform is in accordance with the way you do price analysis. For example, if you want the analysis to use Fibonacci numbers, make sure the trading platform can be used to draw Fibonacci lines. A good broker but the platform is bad or the platform is good but the broker is bad, it can be a problem. Make sure you get the best for both.

Step 3: Choose a trading method and be consistent in its application.

Before you enter the market as a trader, you must have several plans about how you will make decisions in your transaction. You must know how you will enter or exit the market. Some traders choose to use fundamental analysis first and then use a chart to determine the right time to make a transaction. Some choose only to use technical analysis. Remember, that fundamentals drive trends in the long run, whereas graphical or technical patterns offer more opportunities in the short term. Whatever method you choose, remember to always be consistent. And make sure your method is easy to adjust. Your system must be able to keep up with the dynamics of market changes.

Step 4: Choose a longer time frame for analysis of shorter directions and time frames for entering and leaving the market.

Many traders are confused when analyzing using charts in different time frames. What is displayed as a buy signal on weekly charts, in fact appears as a sell signal on the daily chart. Therefore, if you take trend directions from the weekly chart and use the daily chart to enter the market, make sure they are synchronous. In other words, if the weekly chart gives a buy signal, wait until the daily chart also confirms the buy signal.

Step 5: Calculate your expectations.

Expectation is the formula used to determine how the system you are using is reliable or not. You check all the results of your transactions, both profitable (profit) and loss (loss) transactions, then you compare whether there are more profits or losses.

Look at your last 10 transactions. If you have not made a transaction, you can see it on a chart where your system detects that you must enter and exit the market. Note, the number of all transactions that profit and loss then you calculate the expectations. The following is the formula:

E = [1 + (W / L)] x P – 1

W = Average profit
L = Average loss
P = Percentage ratio

If you make 10 transactions, six of them are profit transactions and four losses, the percentage of your profit ratio is 6/10 or 60%. If your six transactions make $ 2400, then the average profit will be $ 2,400 / 6 = $ 400. If the loss is $ 1,200, then the average loss will be $ 1,200 / 4 = $ 300. Apply the results to the formula and you get; E = [1 + (400/300)] x 0.6-1 = 0.40 or 40%. A positive 40% expectation means that your system will generate 40 cents per dollar in the long run.

Step 6: Focus on trading and learn to love small losses.

After you deposit the initial margin for your trading account, the most important thing to remember is that the money you deposited has a risk. Therefore, the money that becomes your capital should not be money for living expenses or money to pay bills etc. You should be able to assume that the capital is holiday money that you might spend. If you have this attitude psychologically will prepare you to be able to accept a small loss, which is the key to managing your risk. By focusing on trading and accepting small losses, you will not continue to calculate your equity so you will be far more successful.

Second, only use a maximum risk of 2% of your total funds on each transaction. In other words, if you have $ 10,000 in a trading account, your maximum loss is only $ 200. If you use a shorter time frame or reduce the balance, the 2% risk will go even further.

Step 7: Build positive feedback.

A positive feedback is made from the results of transactions that match your trading plan. If you have a trading plan and run it well, it will form a positive feedback pattern. Success will give birth to success which will eventually lead to confidence - especially if the transaction is profit. Even when you lose even if you do according to the trading plan, you will also build positive feedback.

Step 8: Perform analysis at the end of the week.

It's a good thing if you want to prepare everything first. On weekends, when the market closes, you can study the weekly chart to find patterns or news that affects your transactions. This is a reflection of the results of your transactions in a week, and this will help you build a strategy for the coming week. When not under market pressure, maybe you will be able to arrange the best plan for your transaction.

If the market does not reach the point where your position is open, you can learn to be patient to wait for that opportunity to come even longer. If you find that you miss an opportunity to take a position, remember that there will always be other opportunities. If you have patience and discipline, you will be able to become a good trader.

Step 9: Make a note.

Making transaction records is one of the good learning tools as a forex trader. Among them are printing graphics and fundamental data that form the basis of your decision to make a transaction. Mark the graph when you enter and exit points. Make relevant information in the table. This note file will be useful someday. Also pay attention to the emotional reasons that you experience when transacting. Did you panic then? Are you too greedy? Are you too worried? Record all your emotions at that time. When you successfully control your mental and disciplined attitude in trading according to the trading system you are using, you will succeed in becoming a forex trader.


The steps of the forex tutorial above will help you transact structured and become a smoother trader. Trading is an art and the only way to become proficient is through consistent and disciplined practice.

These tips I share about forex tutorials are about 9 Tutorials Become a Successful Forex Trader. Hopefully useful and good luck.
5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000

5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000

5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000 - Many success stories of traders circulating on the internet, including this one. A full-time trader from Sydney, Australia, named J Park, was highlighted by MarketWatch's leading media thanks to his fantastic screenshot results. He managed to manage a fund of USD600 which was deposited in March 2014 to USD100,000 as of February 2017. Incredible, right? Here are some things J Park recommends for beginner traders, as quoted from his interview with Mike Bellafiore from SMB Capital.

5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000

1. Absorb Knowledge From Various Sources

"I made a lot of money easily (100% luck), consumed several trading accounts, (then) started again with a $ 600 account for the third time and recently the overall profit exceeded $ 100,000," Park said, adding that he learned from several mentor, "I learned a lot from many people on Twitter."

2. Ready to Work Hard to Conduct Research

"I trade or at least monitor market movements from 9:30 am to 4pm and do (research) needed outside trading hours in order to improve trading results (although at first I didn't even know how to do it)."

3. Never give up

"I have to deal with the same obstacles as small traders in general when starting trading. Less instructions, small accounts, high trading commissions; whatever the problem is, I experience it," Park said. "I think I can succeed because I don't use "obstacles" are the reason why I have failed, and continue to empower time and energy to strive for success. "

4. Compare Yourself with Others

"I started posting my daily Profit / Loss on Twitter in mid-2016 as a way to objectively document my progress and connect with traders who might be on the same level," said Park. "I think this has greatly helped my progress, and I want to continue to learn from traders from various levels of ability."

5. Avoid the Two Main Mistakes of Beginner Traders

According to J Park, there are two problems that generally overshadow beginner traders:

=>> Too focused on profit and loss, but not enough to pay attention to the trading process.

"If your strategy has shown resilience from time to time, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the execution of a consistent plan, then the profit / loss will be taken care of by itself."

=>> Ignore the trading setup and not adjust it to yourself.

"In my opinion, holding additional explanations for trading setup that make sense to you, as well as criteria for entry and exit, is the most important thing to build confidence in your trading activities."

What do you think about J Park's tips? Many of them are certainly familiar to the ears, but there are also messages that are quite inspiring, such as utilizing social media as an ingredient in learning forex trading by following twitter accounts and sharing with fellow traders. Many traders have actually undergone a similar process, especially at ForexFactory, where traders all over the world gather; but maybe rarely do they go as far as Park.

These tips sound simple, but the two themes that are repeated are sincerity and hard work. No one can succeed in sudden trading by relying on luck alone.

Some tips I can share this time about 5 Tips From Traders Successful Magic $ 600 to $ 100,000. Hopefully useful for you.
Hedging Strategy in Forex Trading

Hedging Strategy in Forex Trading

Hedging Strategy in Forex Trading - Hedging strategies are only used to protect yourself from heavy losses, to get insurance for your trading. Hedging is a way to reduce the amount of loss that you will experience if something unexpected happens.

Hedging Strategy in Forex Trading

Simple Hedging Strategy

Some brokers allow you to place trades which are direct hedging. Direct hedging is when you are allowed to place a trade that buys a currency pair and then at the same time you can trade to sell the same pair. While net income is zero while you have both open trading, you can make more money without incurring additional risk if you are at the right market time.

The simple way of forex hedging protects you is to allow you to trade the opposite direction of your initial trading without having to close the initial trade. It can be said that it makes more sense to close the initial trade for losses and place new trades in a better place. This is part of the wisdom of the trader.

As a trader, you can of course close your initial trading and enter the market at a better price. The advantage of using hedging is that you can maintain your trading in the market and make money with the second trading that makes a profit when the market moves against your first position. When you suspect the market will reverse and return to your initial trading, you can stop trading hedging, or close it.

Complex Hedging Strategy

There are many methods for complex hedging from forex trading. Many brokers do not allow traders to take hedging positions directly on the same account so another approach is needed.

Many Currency Pairs

A forex trader can make hedging against a particular currency by using two different currency pairs. For example, you can make short EUR / USD and USD / CHF purchases. In this case, it won't be right, but you will limit your USD exposure. The only problem with hedging in this way is that you get fluctuations in Euro (EUR) and Switzerland (CHF).

This means that if the Euro becomes a strong currency against all other currencies, there may be fluctuations in EUR / USD that are not neutralized in USD / CHF. This is generally not a reliable way to hedge unless you are building a complicated hedging that considers many currency pairs.

Forex Options

Forex option is an agreement to exchange at a price determined in the future. For example, let's say you place a long trade in EUR / USD at 1.30. To protect that position, you place a forex strike option at 1.29.

What this means is if EUR / USD falls to 1.29 in the time specified for your option, you are paid for that option. How much you get paid depends on market conditions when you buy options and size options. If the EUR / USD does not reach that price within the allotted time, you only lose the option purchase price. The farther away from the market price of your choice at the time of purchase, the greater the payment will be if the price is hit within the specified time.

Reasons for Hedging Strategies

The main reason you want to use hedging on your trading is to limit risk. Hedging can be a bigger part of your trading plan if done carefully. This should only be used by experienced traders who understand changes and market times. Playing with hedging without an adequate trading experience can be a disaster for your account.

Also read:
- The Simplest Trading Strategies for Beginners
- Simple Forex Strategy using Support Resistance
- Basic Forex Trading Techniques for Beginners 

These are tips that I can share about Hedging Strategy in Forex Trading. Hopefully it can be useful for you and good luck.
How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading

How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading

How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading - Want to trade forex, but only have a little capital? No problem. One of the features of forex trading is that it can be done by anyone, anywhere, with any capital. Today's forex brokers can set a minimum of low capital, as small as 100USD or only a range of hundreds of US Dollars, so you can also try to get profit from forex trading along with world millionaires and investors.

How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading

However, you should not arbitrarily choose a forex broker that sets a minimum capital, before listening to this article first.

How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading

1. Make sure the Forex Broker Has a License (Regulated).
This forex business is bona fide, and there are already many successful traders in it. However, there are not a few acts of fraud under the guise of forex. Therefore, you need to choose a forex broker that is already licensed or regulated.

2. Make sure the type of trading account uses mini or micro lots.
Please note, the ability for low capital trading can exist because technological advancements allow trading in substandard fractions. A Standard Lot of 100,000USD will be too heavy for small traders, so Mini lots (10,000USD) and Micro lots (1,000 USD) are held. Plus leverage assistance (proportional loans from forex brokers) of 1: 100 then with 500USD capital can be 50,000USD, which is sufficient enough to trade with Mini or Micro lots. However, funds in hundreds of dollars, of course, will not be enough for trading Standard lots. If you mistakenly register a Standard Account, then you will definitely be asked to provide a larger amount of capital by the related forex broker. So, for low capital trading, look for a trading account with only Mini lots or Micro lots.

3. Take advantage of Forex Broker Promotion.
To excel compared to its competitors, forex brokers often hold promotions such as No Deposit Bonus (direct bonus without deposit), Welcome Bonus (welcome bonus, usually to double trading capital), trading contests with account prizes, and so on. For beginner traders, this is an opportunity for low capital trading or even trading without your own capital at all! How to find promotions like this is easy too; just pay attention to the banner ads on the forex broker page, or googling certain broker promotions. Although not all forex brokers always hold promotions, but choosing between them is already quite tempting.

The three things above are points that must be known to traders about forex brokers who set a minimum capital low. Thus the tips that I can share about How to Choose the Right Forex Broker for Low Capital Trading Hopefully this insight is useful for you. And don't miss other articles about forex brokers, to get profitable tips and tricks for trading.