How To Make Money From Facebook With Instant Article
How To Make Money From Facebook With Instant Article - Instant article is a new way for website owners who have a Facebook page to earn extra income by publishing articles on Facebook. Instant article is created in XML format with HTML5 standard loaded on Facebook and can display the audience network (advertising network Facebook) as a source of income for instant article publishers.
Recently I've tried registering instant articles for other blogs I manage that have more demanding and more common on Facebook. Finally my instant article submission was approved after 3 days of review. For that now I share my experience to all my friends.
To be able to register instant article must have a web or blog and have a page on Facebook. If both of these (have a blog and a Facebook page) you already have, then you are able to register instant article.
To start registering instant article please go to the following address:
Please select your page (if there are multiple) you want to register to instant article, then check to approve Instant Articles Terms and click the "Instant Articles Tool Access" button then click Continue.
Next you will be taken to the "Publishing Tools" page on your page.
Well now you get into the stage of your instant article preparation. there are 3 steps: instant article preparation, submission for review, instant article publishing after approval.
In the preparation of instant article there are several steps that you must do:
Please use the code below to create an instant article :
Please adjust the above codes according to your blog article as per the above example, make exactly the same as your article. If there are images between paragraphs, please insert the following code (replace the url with your image url).
After you create 5 pieces of the article then the submission button will light up, please click the button. Now you are just waiting for approval to publish instant article.
During the waiting period of approval please update your blog and then also make the article instantly according to your post, at least 1 post per day.
Wait at least 3 days to 5 days to get approval, just check the status periodically until there is a sign that has been approved
Then please publish all the articles previously used for submission. In the future you live make instant articles in accordance with your blog update. Thank you for visiting, good luck and good luck.
Recently I've tried registering instant articles for other blogs I manage that have more demanding and more common on Facebook. Finally my instant article submission was approved after 3 days of review. For that now I share my experience to all my friends.
To be able to register instant article must have a web or blog and have a page on Facebook. If both of these (have a blog and a Facebook page) you already have, then you are able to register instant article.
To start registering instant article please go to the following address:
Please select your page (if there are multiple) you want to register to instant article, then check to approve Instant Articles Terms and click the "Instant Articles Tool Access" button then click Continue.
Next you will be taken to the "Publishing Tools" page on your page.
Well now you get into the stage of your instant article preparation. there are 3 steps: instant article preparation, submission for review, instant article publishing after approval.
In the preparation of instant article there are several steps that you must do:
- Connect your website or blog to authorize a site by storing the meta code provided by Facebook on your website or blog above the code </head>.
- Then prepare your instant article style. Please add your style, all you need to do here is simply give a name to your style and upload the logo only then save the style.
- Monetize your Instant Articles with ads from the Facebook Audience Network. Please follow the steps on the part of the audience network. All you have to prepare here is the taxpayer number or NPWP and bank account number for payment. Once done with payment, please create an ad unit and note the code.
Then the next thing that is an important step so that we can publish instant article that is submitting instant article to be reviewed and approved. You must create at least 5 instant articles with the correct format for submission.
Please use the code below to create an instant article :
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" prefix="op:">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="canonical" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" title="default" href="#">
<title>Keeping Eye Health With Pumpkin Juice Honey</title>
<meta property="fb:article_style" content="Your-Style-Name">
<meta property="fb:use_automatic_ad_placement" content="enable=true ad_density=default">
<!-- For Thumbnail Image -->
<img src="" />
<figcaption>Keeping Eye Health With Pumpkin Juice Honey</figcaption>
<!-- Title and Subhead -->
<h1>Keeping Eye Health With Pumpkin Juice Honey</h1>
<h2>Improving lifestyle and diligent eating healthy food is good for eye health. One of them with honey pumpkin juice that you can make your own.</h2>
<!-- For kicker / label articles -->
<h3 class="op-kicker">
Health, Fruit Juice
<!-- Author -->
Your name
<!-- Time of article publishing -->
<time class="op-published" dateTime="2017-10-01T07:00">October 1st 2017, 7:00 PM</time>
<time class="op-modified" dateTime="2017-10-01T07:00">October 1st 2017, 7:00 PM</time>
<!-- Audience Network Ads below -->
<figure class="op-ad">
<iframe width="300" height="250" style="border:0; margin:0;" src=""></iframe>
<!-- Please write your article below -->
<p> Some of the daily habits that we do turn out to interfere with eye health. Like watching television at close range, reading while lying down, or engaging in low light activity. </ P>
<p> Those habits make the eyes work harder so they can cause the eyes to become tired. If left unchecked, eyes will be subject to health. </ P>
<p> Improving lifestyle and diligent eating healthy food is good for eye health. One of them with honey pumpkin juice that you can make yourself. </ P>
<p> Prepare half a pumpkin of honey, tomatoes, low-fat milk, and lemon. Peel the pumpkin skin of honey then cut the meat and input into the blender. Cut the tomatoes and input into the blender as well. Add 1 cup of low fat milk then blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a glass then add the lemon juice and mix well. </ P>
<p> The content of vitamin A in the honey pumpkin can maintain eye health. Drink this honey pumpkin juice regularly morning and night to feel the usefulness. </ P>
<p> Good luck and hopefully useful. </ p>
<!-- For Related Post maximum 4 pieces of links to other articles -->
<ul class="op-related-articles">
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
Please adjust the above codes according to your blog article as per the above example, make exactly the same as your article. If there are images between paragraphs, please insert the following code (replace the url with your image url).
<figure data-feedback="fb:likes, fb:comments">
<img src="" />
After you create 5 pieces of the article then the submission button will light up, please click the button. Now you are just waiting for approval to publish instant article.
During the waiting period of approval please update your blog and then also make the article instantly according to your post, at least 1 post per day.
Wait at least 3 days to 5 days to get approval, just check the status periodically until there is a sign that has been approved
Then please publish all the articles previously used for submission. In the future you live make instant articles in accordance with your blog update. Thank you for visiting, good luck and good luck.
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