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Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting

Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting - Do you have a plan to buy domains and hosting? if yes, surely you think ever thought of questions like this, how to buy a good domain and hosting it like ?, how to choose a domain and hosting quality and where I can buy a domain and hosting good and reliable ?.

Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting

Just a suggestion and hopefully can help, through this article I will give tips or things you should do before buying a domain and hosting, more or less like this:

Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting

1. Specify and confirm the domain name and its extensions

The first tip you should do is determine and make sure first the domain name you want to buy. do not let you arbitrary in choosing a domain name so that your preferred domain name is less good and cause regret in the end.

Well to help you in choosing a domain name, I give the following, the characteristics of a good domain name, good and quality, for example like this:
  • Keep the selected domain name the same as the name of your site / blog / website
  • Domain names should be descriptive, meaning it can describe your site / blog / website is about what.
  • The shorter the domain then the better
  • Domains that do not use numbers and hyphens (-) are much better
  • Domain names that target keywords are not always good
  • Easy to write, typed and remembered and easy to spell / pronounce
  • Make sure your domain name does not resemble or resemble an existing domain
  • Use the .COM, .NET or .ID extension on the domain

2. Check the availability of domain names

Once you get the domain name you want the next step is to check if the domain name of your choice is still available for purchase alias has not been used by others. If the domain name of your choice has been used other users of course you have to find a new domain name.

3. Buy the appropriate hosting needs

When buying hosting paste if you buy a hosting that suits the needs for hosting you buy is not redundant. Then, what is the way to buy hosting that needs it ?.

So if you want to build a small website that contains files / documents not too much and only target the number of visitors that are not too crowded then you can choose and buy a hosting package that medium down.

Conversely if the website / site you create will contain many files / documents and high traffic target then you need to buy the most complete and maximum hosting package.

4. Make sure you buy the domain and hosting in trusted Web hosting and have a positive trend record

Web hosting is a provider of domain rental and hosting services. Well if you want to buy a quality domain and hosting make sure if you buy it from an authorized Web Hosting, have a good reputation alias trusted and have a history of good service.

Then how do we know if a Web Hosting is official, good and trustworthy service ?, way is to see references, reviews or reviews and testimony on the internet from its users who sometimes often share their experience in buying and using the domain and hosting of a web hosting.

And the most important point is that the official web hosting is registered officially in ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

5. Try not to buy domains and hosting through intermediaries, resellers or third parties

If you want to buy domains and hosting it would be better if you buy it in Web Hosting directly compared to buy through intermediaries, resellers or other third parties.

Why do I recommend like this ?, because if you buy a domain and hosting directly in Web Hosting then you will get full control of the domain and hosting you buy, and if the domain and hosting you buy there is a problem then web hosting is likely to help improve the problem is over.

Unlike the case when buying in intermediaries, resellers or other third parties, chances are they will be off hand if the domain and hosting you buy have problems.

6. Do not be too tempted by the domain and hosting cheap or free

You must often get an offer from a Web hosting domain and hosting hosting that is sold at a very cheap price or even without a free alias, but wait and do not easily tempted by things like that.

Cheap and free domains and hosting offered by Web Hosting or individual parties are sometimes comparable to the quality they provide, in other words the quality is less satisfactory, perhaps because of frequent problems (errors) or other problems occur. Therefore, buy a domain and hosting with a standard price on the market just so that the quality is guaranteed.

7. Think how long you want to rent a domain

basically buying a domain is the same as renting a domain because we can not have that domain for the time, but rather have a certain time bracket depending on how long we rent the domain.

When you want to buy or rent a domain consider how long you will rent the domain, 1 year, 2 years or over 3 years ?.

long or shortly you rent a domain must be tailored to the needs, for example if you seriously want to build a website or blog for professional activities better domain rental with a long duration of 5 years and above to be the best choice.

But if you want to create a website or personal blog, rent a domain 1 or 2 years is not a problem because if the prospect website / blog is quite satisfying you can increase the duration of the rental domain.

8. Consider using Domain ID Protect or Whois Privacy Protection

Domain ID Protect or Whois Privacy Protection is an additional service from the domain registrar to protect sensitive information that you may not share with the public, such as home address, telephone number, e-mail and more. Some web hosting gives this feature for free and some others charge a fee.

If you want to protect your personal data from outside parties it is better to use this service, so that your personal data such as home address, telephone number, electronic mail is not used for spam or other crime.

9. Make sure if the domain and hosting purchased can be moved or transferred

This is a matter of great concern that the domain and hosting that you buy must be transferable or the term is transferred from one web hosting to another web hosting. The goal is when the domain and hosting that you buy from a web hosting often have problems then you can move (transfer) the domain to other web hosting service is much better and rarely a problem.

That's the tips I can share about Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for us all. Thank you for visiting.

1 comment for "Tips Before Buying Domains and Hosting"

  1. Hello,

    I'm new to domain name industry. I have a small portfolio of around 250 premium domain names. Most of the domain names I bought from Godaddy Auctions, Godaddy Closeout. Please have a look at my portfolio here thanks.



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