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Best Anti Adblock Plugin for Wordpress

Best Anti Adblock Plugin for Wordpress - Being a blogger most of them make money from ads, and advertising programs that often run is Google AdSense. But nowadays a lot of internet users install adblocker software to eliminate ads in browsers they use when they visit websites or blogs.

Indeed, installing Adblocker will be beneficial for users as they will be free of annoying ads and in the absence of visible ads will make the browsing experience faster. But it will be very detrimental to the blog owners who rely on advertising as their income, with more users using adblocker then automatically many visitors who do not see ads and this can significantly decrease blog owner revenue.

Best Anti Adblock Plugin for Wordpress

If you are a blogger who rely on revenue from ads like Google AdSense, then you should find solutions to address visitors who use adblocker so that your blog revenue does not decrease. Because it can be a big disadvantage for blog owners who have spent time and thoughts to create quality content but do not get the returns from visitors.

For example sites like Forbes use anti adblcoker to ensure that their ads are visible to readers and if adblocker is active, its content will be locked, and will not be displayed. And that makes sense because creating good quality content on a regular basis is not easy, it takes a lot of research, skills and time and if your ad is not visible, your revenue will go down in the long run.

For WordPress users, you'll find lots of plugins that you can choose to block Adblock users so they turn off their adblock addons or extensions when they visit your blog. And here are some Anti Adblock plugins for WordPress.

Best Anti Adblock Plugin for Wordpress

1. AdBlock X

AdBlock X is a free WordPress plugin that offers comprehensive anti-adblocker features. You can have detailed ideas about unique visitors, return visitors and pageviews with active inhibiting ads.

You can also have a detailed idea of the percentage of users who turn off the speakers. You can have detailed statistics about users, some creators and reactions with graphical representations.

With this AdBlock X plugin you will have the option to provide rules for visitors with Adblock to have them submit your site as a whitelist that will show ads. This plugin comes with a nice and easy look in terms of setup and settings, with this plugin also sure to work perfectly on your WordPress site.

2. Simple Adblock Notice

Simple Adblock Notice is a simple Adblock Plugin that will display popups for visitors who have enabled adblocking browser extensions and warn visitors to submit your blog site to whitelisted websites. It's not an anti adblock plugin but plugins only detect users who use Adblock plus and tell your website visitors to whitelist your website from adblocker extensions. The plugin has a time setting to display a warning popup.

3. Anti Adblock AdSpace

Anti Adblock AdSpace is another free anti adblocker plugin that is quite effective, innovative and flexible. You may lose a lot of advertisers and revenue from the ads you post. This plugin will help you to make sure your site is good enough to handle ad blockers, this plugin will work perfectly and will increase eCPM up to 2X more than before.

4. Ad Blocking Detector

The Ad Blocking Detector plugin will intelligently determine who is the visitor who is using adblocker in their browser and ensures that they are viewing another set of content to avoid free space. This plugin offers the option to assign two different content types to one part, one for users without adblocker and one for adblocker users.

5. Adblcok Notify

Adblcok Notify is a simple and effective WordPress anti adblocker plugin. Good enough to detect users who use adblocker and display a special message to visitors to disable adblock they use. This plugin is mobile-friendly, and you can take advantage of this plugin on any type of device.

This plugin comes with its dashboard where you can see detailed statistics about how many users are using adblock, how many disable it at your request, to make sure the plugin works perfectly.

You get the option to custom code the plugin by adding your custom CSS to ensure that you can easily change the look of the plugin as per your requirements.

The above mentioned anti-adblocker plug-in will work perfectly to make sure you can identify the adblocker user or the user with the adjusting ad addons and ensure that your ad or content is visible to the user as well. Hopefully this article is useful for you and blog revenue from advertising is increasing. Good luck.

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