How to Add Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar
How to Add Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar - Recently Google has enabled cookies notification bar for blogspot. This cookies notification bar will automatically appear when there are visitors coming from EU countries.
Cookies are data or information in the form of text from a website you visit that is stored in a web browser. This data or information helps the site to remember information about your visit, so your next visit will be easier and the site will become lighter to access.
Well these cookies in some countries especially in the EU countries have laws that govern the use of cookies on the internet. If a site does not request permission to use visitor cookies, then the action will be considered illegal.
Well here is the function of EU cookies notification bar. This asks permission to use visitor cookies. If the visitor agrees, then visits to the site may proceed. However, if the visitor is not pleased, then the visitor is entitled not to continue his visit so that the site is not at risk of violating the law.
If your blog uses blogspot, then automatically your blog already has EU Cookies Notification Bar from Blogger, as well as those who already use custom domain.
To view this EU Cookies Notification Bar, for blogspot just replace .com with .fr so be For blogspot that uses custom domain simply add behind domain so like this And the appearance of EU Cookies Notification Bar Blogger can be modified.
But for blogspots that use custom domains and also use CloudFlare service to handle cookies, the EU Cookies Notification Bar Blogger will not show. And if you use Adsense monitise, then this will be at risk for the continuity of your Adsense blog. Well for the safe step, we can create or install their own Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar because I think now is not enough just create a Privacy Policy page just so visitors can easily to know the use of this cookies.
So even for WordPress blog, Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar is very necessary especially if using Adsense. But for Wordpress, you can easily install this Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar by using the plugin. But if you avoid using Jquery to avoid blocking-rendering js, then you can install the Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar as I will discuss below.
If you first come to this blog, you can see it in the floating bar under the blog. Well to make it like that, please refer to the steps below.
This EU Cookies Notification Bar Custom Script I get from Cookies Consent from Silktide but I change a bit so the installation does not make rendering-blocking js.
The Silktide code will look like below.
Well so as not to cause blocking-render js, please use the code below.
If you already have a Privacy Policy page on their blog, please replace the code with the URL of your blog's Privacy Policy page.
There are 6 themes that can be used, please replace the light-bottom code with the theme of your choice.
For code you can replace it with your own cookieconsent2.js hosting link for security, otherwise it's okay.
Custom EU Cookies Notification This bar will show only once if the visitor clicks on the Got It button! for 356 days or 1 year, unless the browser's browser cookie eraser then the bar will appear again.
Please save the above code in edit your blog HTML above code </body>, For WordPress please save in Appearance > Editor > footer.php > save above code </body>.
Similarly, this article I shared about How to Add Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for us all and good luck.
Cookies are data or information in the form of text from a website you visit that is stored in a web browser. This data or information helps the site to remember information about your visit, so your next visit will be easier and the site will become lighter to access.
Well these cookies in some countries especially in the EU countries have laws that govern the use of cookies on the internet. If a site does not request permission to use visitor cookies, then the action will be considered illegal.
Well here is the function of EU cookies notification bar. This asks permission to use visitor cookies. If the visitor agrees, then visits to the site may proceed. However, if the visitor is not pleased, then the visitor is entitled not to continue his visit so that the site is not at risk of violating the law.
If your blog uses blogspot, then automatically your blog already has EU Cookies Notification Bar from Blogger, as well as those who already use custom domain.
To view this EU Cookies Notification Bar, for blogspot just replace .com with .fr so be For blogspot that uses custom domain simply add behind domain so like this And the appearance of EU Cookies Notification Bar Blogger can be modified.
But for blogspots that use custom domains and also use CloudFlare service to handle cookies, the EU Cookies Notification Bar Blogger will not show. And if you use Adsense monitise, then this will be at risk for the continuity of your Adsense blog. Well for the safe step, we can create or install their own Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar because I think now is not enough just create a Privacy Policy page just so visitors can easily to know the use of this cookies.
So even for WordPress blog, Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar is very necessary especially if using Adsense. But for Wordpress, you can easily install this Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar by using the plugin. But if you avoid using Jquery to avoid blocking-rendering js, then you can install the Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar as I will discuss below.
How to Add Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar
If you first come to this blog, you can see it in the floating bar under the blog. Well to make it like that, please refer to the steps below.
This EU Cookies Notification Bar Custom Script I get from Cookies Consent from Silktide but I change a bit so the installation does not make rendering-blocking js.
The Silktide code will look like below.
<!-- Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - -->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website","dismiss":"Got it!","learnMore":"More info","link":"null","theme":"light-bottom"};
<script type="text/javascript" src="cookieconsent.js"></script>
<!-- End Cookie Consent plugin -->
Well so as not to cause blocking-render js, please use the code below.
<!-- Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - -->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website","dismiss":"Got it!","learnMore":"More info","link":"","theme":"light-bottom"};
(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.async=true;e.type="text/javascript";e.src="//";(document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0]||document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]).appendChild(e)})();
<!-- End Cookie Consent plugin -->
If you already have a Privacy Policy page on their blog, please replace the code with the URL of your blog's Privacy Policy page.
There are 6 themes that can be used, please replace the light-bottom code with the theme of your choice.
- light-top for a bright bar theme and hovering over the blog.
- light-bottom for a bright bar theme and float under the blog.
- dark-top for a dark bar theme and hovering over the blog.
- dark-bottom for dark theme bar and hovering under the blog.
- light-floating theme for bright and floating boxes in the right corner of the blog.
- dark-floating for dark and floating themes in the right corner of the blog.
For code you can replace it with your own cookieconsent2.js hosting link for security, otherwise it's okay.
Custom EU Cookies Notification This bar will show only once if the visitor clicks on the Got It button! for 356 days or 1 year, unless the browser's browser cookie eraser then the bar will appear again.
Please save the above code in edit your blog HTML above code </body>, For WordPress please save in Appearance > Editor > footer.php > save above code </body>.
Similarly, this article I shared about How to Add Custom EU Cookies Notification Bar. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for us all and good luck.
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