How to Create SEO Articles That Bring Visitors
How to Create SEO Articles That Bring Visitors - Sourced from personal experience, this time I want to share tips to you all about How to Create SEO Articles that Bring Visitor. Here you need to know, if the article you create is not necessarily will bring a lot of visitors because it all depends on your efforts and creativity.
Keep in mind also that you are not the only author of the article on earth, so the competition to get visitors is also tight. Depending on how you write articles, title selection, SEO optimization, and so on. Without further basic following tips make SEO articles that bring in visitors.
Buddy all must have been on the know that most articles in the search is a unique article or contain a thing that is a trend. How to write a unique article? Of course it comes from your own, can you write down your personal experience or your friends who may be able to provide information to others. You can also write an article that contains your opinion about a problem. Not only that, writing a thing that is not mainstream you can also do.
As I said at the beginning, you can also write something that is the current trend. However, how do I know what the current trend is? You can find that in social media. For example Trending Topics on Twitter, after knowing what topic is being discussed on twitter you can write an article about it. This is very high chance because in twitter the word used is limited, you can provide personalized article links from the continuation of the topic being discussed.
I also gave you another option, by using Google Trends. There you can see what topic is hot in conversation. How does Google Trends work? Google will show you what most searching in the past year. The good thing is, in google trends you can focus on the trends you want to see, like geo-centering. If your target is Indonesia, please focus only on trending topics in Indonesia. If you would like to try it please visit
After writing the article of course you need an easy title in rayapi google. The way is easy, you can do keywords research. By doing keyword research, the title you provide will be more easily crawled google because most in search. Here google has also provided facilities for that matter through Google Adwords: Keyword Planner. There you can enter the title you want and see how many people search for articles with the title.
Try in the article using keywords that many and appropriate. If you want to write prihal Android, please use the word Android enough and also placement.
You create an article with the title "Easy Way to Unroot Android". You can put some of these words in your article. Suppose that in the first paragraph you write "Doing unroot android very easy if you already know how it can easily do it yourself", then in the second paragraph "From my experience, how to unroot android can be done by downloading the application first". Can you see, underlined sentences have a keyword that may be searched google.
Suppose your visitors do a search with the keyword "Doing Unroot Android" or "How to Unroot Android", search engines can crawl your article because it has the keyword searched. My suggestion is to provide keywords that match the content of the reading and not blindly or mostly. If most of your articles may be able to page one but not for a long time.
This is enabled to strengthen the keywords in your article. For those of you who have not installed it please put it first, then all your articles will have keywords that can search SE (Search Engine). How to pair is also very easy, you just put the following code just below the code <head>.
I think quite so many articles about How to Create SEO Articles that Bring Visitor. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for you. For those of you who still do not understand and want to provide questions or comments about this article, please write in the comment field below and Good luck.
Keep in mind also that you are not the only author of the article on earth, so the competition to get visitors is also tight. Depending on how you write articles, title selection, SEO optimization, and so on. Without further basic following tips make SEO articles that bring in visitors.
Writing Trends or Unique Articles
Buddy all must have been on the know that most articles in the search is a unique article or contain a thing that is a trend. How to write a unique article? Of course it comes from your own, can you write down your personal experience or your friends who may be able to provide information to others. You can also write an article that contains your opinion about a problem. Not only that, writing a thing that is not mainstream you can also do.
As I said at the beginning, you can also write something that is the current trend. However, how do I know what the current trend is? You can find that in social media. For example Trending Topics on Twitter, after knowing what topic is being discussed on twitter you can write an article about it. This is very high chance because in twitter the word used is limited, you can provide personalized article links from the continuation of the topic being discussed.
I also gave you another option, by using Google Trends. There you can see what topic is hot in conversation. How does Google Trends work? Google will show you what most searching in the past year. The good thing is, in google trends you can focus on the trends you want to see, like geo-centering. If your target is Indonesia, please focus only on trending topics in Indonesia. If you would like to try it please visit
Specify Title
After writing the article of course you need an easy title in rayapi google. The way is easy, you can do keywords research. By doing keyword research, the title you provide will be more easily crawled google because most in search. Here google has also provided facilities for that matter through Google Adwords: Keyword Planner. There you can enter the title you want and see how many people search for articles with the title.
Inserting Keyword into Articles
Try in the article using keywords that many and appropriate. If you want to write prihal Android, please use the word Android enough and also placement.
You create an article with the title "Easy Way to Unroot Android". You can put some of these words in your article. Suppose that in the first paragraph you write "Doing unroot android very easy if you already know how it can easily do it yourself", then in the second paragraph "From my experience, how to unroot android can be done by downloading the application first". Can you see, underlined sentences have a keyword that may be searched google.
Suppose your visitors do a search with the keyword "Doing Unroot Android" or "How to Unroot Android", search engines can crawl your article because it has the keyword searched. My suggestion is to provide keywords that match the content of the reading and not blindly or mostly. If most of your articles may be able to page one but not for a long time.
Installing Auto Keyword Meta On Each Article
This is enabled to strengthen the keywords in your article. For those of you who have not installed it please put it first, then all your articles will have keywords that can search SE (Search Engine). How to pair is also very easy, you just put the following code just below the code <head>.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title><meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " | " + data:blog.title + " | " + data:blog.pageName' name='description'/><meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " | " + data:blog.title + " | " + data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/><meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='subject'/><meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='abstract'/><b:else/><title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title><meta content='Isi dengan deskripsi blog anda' name='description'/><meta content='isi dengan keyword anda' name='keywords'/></b:if>
I think quite so many articles about How to Create SEO Articles that Bring Visitor. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for you. For those of you who still do not understand and want to provide questions or comments about this article, please write in the comment field below and Good luck.
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