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How to Reduce Server Response Time on Pagespeed Insights

How to Reduce Server Response Time on Pagespeed Insights - Server response time, is a matter of loading speed of a blog in Google PageSpeed ​​Insights. Another name for this problem is Reduce Server Response Time. Server itself has many meanings, ranging from domain, blog resources, to hosting that we use. So, the server response time means that how long the response / loading time of our entire blog.

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights will brand a blog that the blog has a slow server response time if its response time exceeds 200 milliseconds, while 200 milliseconds is equal to 0.2 seconds. This shows that Google is very concerned about loading a blog and the convenience of its users.

If you still have a subdomain. Blogger from, I am not surprised if you get this problem, because blogs that have been long enough to use but not go buy own domain. If you do not believe it, please check the loading speed of blogs - big and famous blogs that still use domain. Blogspot in Google PageSpeed ​​Insights. Most of them must have this problem.

How to Reduce Server Response Time on Pagespeed Insights

One of the drawbacks of this problem is the loading of blogs that are getting older (not heavy), because the old server just responded. If usually the load time of a blog is 3 seconds (load blog) + 200 milliseconds (load server), then it could be 3 seconds + 2 seconds, so the total becomes 5 seconds for full load.

Indeed this is not too felt for those of you who have laptops / mobile phones that have adequate specifications. But for those who access it through a laptop / mobile phone that has a low specification, they will be very disturbed.

Why? It could be their laptop or mobile phone to be lag. Because as I've read in an online book about computers, there mentioned that the web browser takes up a lot of RAM, especially when the web / blog opened has a slow server response. Immediately, here's how to reduce the server response time on your blog.

1. Redirect Problem

The first way is about redirect. Blogs that have a redirect in it will slow down the server response due to a request again. For example, you are opening, then you redirect it to Of course this can slow down because the same you open two pages at once, namely and So, it's good you remove the redirect like this. Usually by removing static homepage. Or another way you can do is to add /?M = 1 behind the blog url when checking the loading speed of his blog in Google PageSpeed ​​Insight.

2. Buy the TLD domain

That's the main thing I emphasize. For some reason, when you are still using blogspot frills on your blog url, there is often a Reduce Server Response Time issue on Google PageSpeed ​​Insights. If you do not believe it, you can see the speed report of a blog while still using subdomain in this link: It's up to you any domain, either .com, .net, .ga, .tk, .ml, and friends.

Not enough to buy a domain, you also have to be selective in choosing a suitable domain for your blog. As I've read in an article on Rigor's blog, a cheap domain might just add trouble to the server's response time speed.

Therefore, do not let you lulled at the cheap domain price, let alone distributed for free. Because there must be a deficiency behind it.

3. Turn off HTTPS Redirect

For those of you who are still using the blogspot domain and getting the problem reduce this server response, you can overcome it by turning off the redirect to HTTPS. Somehow, redirect HTTPS can make auto scores red in PageSpeed ​​Insights. Do not forget, after you turn off the redirect earlier, if check the speed in PageSpeed ​​using http instead of https.

4. Do not forget Hosting

For those of you who are still experiencing slow server responding, it could be because the hosting you use is still free or the 'lower class'. As we know, the more traffic that comes to our blog, the more slow the server response time, which resulted in some visitors who 'delay' the time of his visit.

So the solution to this third problem is to upgrade your hosting to a better one. Here are some hosting options that may be suitable for you to use, sorted from the most economical first.

Free Hosting
Free hosting is a free hosting that is usually widely spread on the internet. This type of hosting is shared, with the sense that each of these hosting users has been given their respective parts.
  • The advantages of this hosting is you will not spend a dime.
  • The drawback is that servers are often down, slow server responses, sometimes ads appear, limited features, and more.

Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is a type of paid hosting, but it is shared. Suppose 1 hosting is used for 5 websites, and so on.
  • The advantages are the cheap price and no ads
  • The disadvantages of this hosting is a slightly limited feature, sometimes down when half of other blogs are crowded, and so on.

Personal Hosting
Personal Hosting is the best type of hosting, because you are in control of 100% of your hosting and you own it.
  • The advantages of this hosting certainly because of the many features, not easy down, no ads, and much more.
  • The drawback is the cost to be incurred is large.

But this second way is not too important, because Blogger hosting in my opinion is strong enough.

5. Reduce Resource

Without us knowing it, the more your blog uses the scripts from the outside, the slower the server response. Why? Obviously due to the number of resources or needs to be accommodated and the number of outgoing requests.

This resulted in the blog getting slower loading even though the network used by visitors including fast. So my suggestion, use only need. Another way you can use is to reduce the number of images on each post and reduce the number of posts displayed on the homepage of your blog.

Similarly tips on How to Reduce Server Response Time in Pagespeed Insights. Hopefully with this short enough article can be useful and useful for us all. Good luck.

2 comments for "How to Reduce Server Response Time on Pagespeed Insights"

  1. Wow! What a beautiful list of information. Too much. A good thing is how much I’ve learned from this. It’s that good!. Could you share your review on!Why server response time is crucial for your website seo

  2. Thanks


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