How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working - KhalistaBlog -->
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How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working

How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working - You who like to tinker with the blog must have been familiar with the name Lightbox. Lightbox is a feature similar to the image gallery. Usually, when we click an image in the article, then you will be opened to the new link where the image is hosted / url the image. Unlike the lightbox, when you click the picture then that appears is a slide gallery that displays the entire image in the article.

How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working

Actually it does not affect the SEO that is owned by a blog, but what's wrong I am here will provide tips to overcome the lightbox feature on bloggers that do not work. For more details you can directly refer to some of the steps below.

How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working

1. Add jQuery Library

All lightbox features must use JavaScript to work. On average, the JS used is not a pure, aka using a mixture of jQuery. Not without reason, this is so the script does not become too long and more comfortable views.

Immediately, please go to Edit HTML, then place the following code under <head> or &lt;head&gt;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

Save the template and see if it works.

2. Changing Changes </body> tag

Usually this can happen because you replace the </body> tag with a lightweight version to avoid rendering blocking issues in PageSpeed Insights. Go to Edit HTML, try to find the code /body. Then look at the code, if shaped like this:

Please delete it, then change it to something like this:

Save the template. This way will only work if you use the default lightbox Blogger, because JS and CSS lightboxnya hosted outside by the Blogger and placed on the body, so if you change the tag / body to the light version then the JS will disappear and the lightbox will not work .

3. The feature has not been activated

Lastly, you may forget to enable the lightbox feature on Blogger. The way is quite easy, ie go to Dasbord Blogger, Select Settings >> Post, Comment and Share >> Post >> Show images with lightbox >> Select YES.

How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working

That's the tips I can share about How To Overcome The Lightbox Image Feature On Bloggers That Are Not Working. Hopefully with this short enough article can be useful and useful for you. Good luck.

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