How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing
How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing - If previously I ever discussed about how This Cause Adsense Ads Not Appearing In New Published Post. Well this time I will give you AdSense tips on how to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing in certain article pages. The way is quite easy, by activating robot.txt in Blogger Settings.
Why are not AdSense ads showing or only partial AdSense ad units appearing on certain pages? One of the factors that cause AdSense ads do not appear on a particular page is my new friend activate HTTPS feature provided by Google for custom domain on his blog as I've shared in this post How to Enable HTTPS in Blog.
To change or migrate a blog from HTTP to HTTPS it requires a process that also affects the loss of ads from AdSense ad units that have never experienced before. This is because the URL protocol type is not the same, the one is unencrypted (HTTP) while the other uses the encryption system (HTTPS).
Well, this is what makes the system so confused to read 2 different protocols in one blog page. But do not worry, this has been addressed by Google that already supports both ad units that use HTTP or HTTPS. If you already support, then why ads still not appear on some blog pages? To fix this please follow the steps below.
How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing
By default (before activated) the format for robot.txt is as follows :
Here we only need to change (enable) robot.txt so that ads can show on all blog pages. The trick is very easy, that is to follow the following steps.
First, go to Blogger >> Click the Settings menu >> Click Search Preferences >> Then find the custom robots.txt like in the image below.
After that fill the blank form in it with the following robot.txt format:
Or it could also be filled with robot.txt format like this
Then click the Save changes and finish button. In this way it will also fix error Indexed Though Blocked by robots.txt in Search Console.
After applying a special robot.txt, you also need to remove the AdSense JS like this
and replace it with this code, apply before the closing code </body> or <!--</body>--></body>
Having done the way above AdSense ads will not immediately appear, it all takes a process. You just need to wait until Google crawls your blog with the new robot.txt format. So this article that I can share this about How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful and good luck.
Why are not AdSense ads showing or only partial AdSense ad units appearing on certain pages? One of the factors that cause AdSense ads do not appear on a particular page is my new friend activate HTTPS feature provided by Google for custom domain on his blog as I've shared in this post How to Enable HTTPS in Blog.
To change or migrate a blog from HTTP to HTTPS it requires a process that also affects the loss of ads from AdSense ad units that have never experienced before. This is because the URL protocol type is not the same, the one is unencrypted (HTTP) while the other uses the encryption system (HTTPS).
Well, this is what makes the system so confused to read 2 different protocols in one blog page. But do not worry, this has been addressed by Google that already supports both ad units that use HTTP or HTTPS. If you already support, then why ads still not appear on some blog pages? To fix this please follow the steps below.
How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing
By default (before activated) the format for robot.txt is as follows :
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Here we only need to change (enable) robot.txt so that ads can show on all blog pages. The trick is very easy, that is to follow the following steps.
First, go to Blogger >> Click the Settings menu >> Click Search Preferences >> Then find the custom robots.txt like in the image below.
After that fill the blank form in it with the following robot.txt format:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Or it could also be filled with robot.txt format like this
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Allow: /
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Note: Replace with your blog domain name
Then click the Save changes and finish button. In this way it will also fix error Indexed Though Blocked by robots.txt in Search Console.
After applying a special robot.txt, you also need to remove the AdSense JS like this
<script async src="//"></script>
and replace it with this code, apply before the closing code </body> or <!--</body>--></body>
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() { var ad = document.createElement('script'); ad.type = 'text/javascript'; ad.async = true; ad.src = ''; var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; sc.parentNode.insertBefore(ad, sc); })();
Having done the way above AdSense ads will not immediately appear, it all takes a process. You just need to wait until Google crawls your blog with the new robot.txt format. So this article that I can share this about How to Overcome the Adsense ADS that are not Showing. Hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful and good luck.