How to Overcome Invalid AMP HTML Error On Template in Blog
How to Overcome Invalid AMP HTML Error On Template in Blog - Amp is short for Accelerated Mobile Pages or Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP is also mentioned a way to make your blog / website page become lighter and can load quickly, especially on mobile devices.
Amp has now been much talked about, and Amp has also been used by leading websites. Lots of benefits gained when using AMP-validated templates. The most coveted advantage of course in terms of speed because the speed of a loading is taken into account by google, visitors and us as an admin. Who does not want his blog or website to be accessed quickly?
But changing the html template to the amp is not as easy as imagined by bloggers, why is that? This is because we have to really understand the data structure to pass AMP validation. You can check and know the validation of your Html AMP Templates by using free tools from Google or you can also use chrome add ons like AMP Validator.
If your blog template is valid amp then AMP lightning icon will turn green if your template is not valid then the lightning icon will be red. In addition to using free tools from google, or using add ons AMP validator we can also find out the location of invalid error on the blog template amp html you use. Usually on add ons amp validator there will be numbers that indicate the number of erorr that occurs in your blog template.
Then how to overcome the invalid blog page amp on the template and how to fix the error when validating the AMP template page in blogspot ?. Well actually a lot of features that have not support when used on the AMP template. Like for example the share button in addition to facebook, google plus and twitter and even the default commentary bloggers themselves are not yet supported on the AMP. The following is the cause of the Not a valid AMP page or the invalid page amp in your blog template.
1. Image constraints on posts are often found by bloggers who are still using html templates which will then switch to the amp templates. To overcome erorr amp in blog post then that need to be done is inserting code below every you do upload picture on post if you want template of your blog valid amp html. Please add this code and place it anywhere in your blog post so your blog template is not erorr. I suggest this code is posted above the first paragraph of the post.
If you want to insert some pictures in the post add the code below. Put this code to your liking.
2. Some source code can not be used on template that already support amp html. Therefore avoid using HTML tags with inline CSS like <div style="text-align: justify;">…</div> or others. or insert javascript or CSS style into the post. In addition to the above code, try to also delete code like this <b:include name = 'quickedit' /> in the managed blogspot template.
3. Additional scripts also do not support html amp, so than that please you avoid this. The script code in question is script code like Recent post, random post and others.
4. Comment field also becomes one of the causes of invalidity of amp in template blogspot. Blogger default comment field is highly discouraged. Please change your blog comment field by using comment field disqus valid AMP html.
5. Before you want to switch to AMP html, find a template that is already validated by html. Many sites and blog template providers support AMP html you can search in google search engine
Well that's how we fix the error on the amp html. There may still be many erorr factors that can be errors during validation. Hopefully useful and good luck.
Amp has now been much talked about, and Amp has also been used by leading websites. Lots of benefits gained when using AMP-validated templates. The most coveted advantage of course in terms of speed because the speed of a loading is taken into account by google, visitors and us as an admin. Who does not want his blog or website to be accessed quickly?
But changing the html template to the amp is not as easy as imagined by bloggers, why is that? This is because we have to really understand the data structure to pass AMP validation. You can check and know the validation of your Html AMP Templates by using free tools from Google or you can also use chrome add ons like AMP Validator.
If your blog template is valid amp then AMP lightning icon will turn green if your template is not valid then the lightning icon will be red. In addition to using free tools from google, or using add ons AMP validator we can also find out the location of invalid error on the blog template amp html you use. Usually on add ons amp validator there will be numbers that indicate the number of erorr that occurs in your blog template.
Then how to overcome the invalid blog page amp on the template and how to fix the error when validating the AMP template page in blogspot ?. Well actually a lot of features that have not support when used on the AMP template. Like for example the share button in addition to facebook, google plus and twitter and even the default commentary bloggers themselves are not yet supported on the AMP. The following is the cause of the Not a valid AMP page or the invalid page amp in your blog template.
Causes Errors that occur in AMP Templates
- The image on the blog post is not valid yet.
- Some unsupported source code lies in blog posts.
- The existence of additional scripts in the template.
- Do not use comment fields that support AMP.
- Templates do not support AMP yet.
How to Fix Error in Blogspot Template
1. Image constraints on posts are often found by bloggers who are still using html templates which will then switch to the amp templates. To overcome erorr amp in blog post then that need to be done is inserting code below every you do upload picture on post if you want template of your blog valid amp html. Please add this code and place it anywhere in your blog post so your blog template is not erorr. I suggest this code is posted above the first paragraph of the post.
<noscript><img src=”” width=”650″ height=”350″ alt=”Curabitur placerat est sem”/></noscript>
If you want to insert some pictures in the post add the code below. Put this code to your liking.
alt=”Curabitur placerat est sem”
2. Some source code can not be used on template that already support amp html. Therefore avoid using HTML tags with inline CSS like <div style="text-align: justify;">…</div> or others. or insert javascript or CSS style into the post. In addition to the above code, try to also delete code like this <b:include name = 'quickedit' /> in the managed blogspot template.
3. Additional scripts also do not support html amp, so than that please you avoid this. The script code in question is script code like Recent post, random post and others.
4. Comment field also becomes one of the causes of invalidity of amp in template blogspot. Blogger default comment field is highly discouraged. Please change your blog comment field by using comment field disqus valid AMP html.
5. Before you want to switch to AMP html, find a template that is already validated by html. Many sites and blog template providers support AMP html you can search in google search engine
Well that's how we fix the error on the amp html. There may still be many erorr factors that can be errors during validation. Hopefully useful and good luck.
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