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How To Achieve a Good Bounce Rate

How To Achieve a Good Bounce Rate - Bounce rate is the percentage of bounces that occur on a website or blog. As a blogger you need to know what a good bounce rate is and how to lower it. Bounce rate can be used as a benchmark of quality or not a blog. Increasingly SEO (Search Engine Optimization) causes search engines to be more thorough and selective in providing ranking positions in search results.

How To Achieve a Good Bounce Rate

Basically the smaller the percentage bounce rate the better the quality of the blog. Therefore, in this article I will explain a little how to achieve a good bounce rate (lower bounce rate).

How To Check Bounce Rate Blog Or Website

To find out the percentage of bounce that occurs on blogs, you can use online analytical tools like Histats or Google Analytic.

Here is the daily histats statistics report of one of my blogs.
How To Achieve a Good Bounce Rate

Take a look at the picture above, if the calculated average bounce rate reaches 65%, and ni is still far below the average. Ideally for a healthy blog a good percentage is under 40%. But jangang worried because we still have many opportunities to fix it.

Causes of High Bounce Rate

  • Bounce rate will increase if the visitor only open one page then leave the page without opening another page. Then influenced by how long visitors are on your blog. Complicated right? But nevertheless you need to understand this because bounce rate affects search engine valuations that impact on your site's ranking placement.
  • Generally the cause of the high value bounce on the blog is because the content is presented less quality, so that visitors do not open another page on your site.
  • Then it can also be influenced by niche blogs or topics discussed on a blog. For example, Blog gado-gad0 (with common topics) tend to have a high bounce rate.
  • In addition, bounce rate can also be caused by the navigation of the site is difficult to understand visitors.

How to Minimize and Overcome Bounce Rate

Create Quality Content

There are so many ways you need to try to reduce the high value bounce blog. The most fundamental part is to build the trust of visitors on your site, start by creating quality content for visitors to feel at your blog.

Better Selecting a Custom Blog Niche

It is undeniable that the micro niche (special topic) has more value for your blog readers. With a special niche blog will make your blog more professional.

Make Blog Navigation as good as possible

Navigation is a directional guide that allows visitors to access other pages on your blog. In this case you should add some important elements in your blog, such as:
  • Widget popular post,
  • Using related post in each post,
  • Also use category widgets,
  • The menu on the blog should be clear,
  • Try not to find broken links (broken links) on your blog,
  • If you are using Adsense, we recommend using Matched content ads (appropriate content).
  • Use internal links in articles that lead to other posts.

So the conclusion that it can not be denied to achieve a good bounce rate is not easy. In fact almost some bloggers have problems when overcoming this one problem. But, nevertheless there is no harm to try. So many articles that I have shared this, hopefully with a short enough article this can be useful for us all.

1 comment for "How To Achieve a Good Bounce Rate"

  1. Great information. Here I found valuable information on how to improve bounce rate. It is important to have lower bounce rate. Thanks


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