How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled
How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled - Have you ever canceled your adsense account while in review process? Then whether the account you have canceled can be recovered ?. This is a serious problem, some time ago I was able to register one of the blogs that I manage to adsense. However, due to the long review process I finally decided to cancel the account.
Then after two days later I open an email and get a message that the adsense account I registered has been accepted (full approve). Then I try to login to adsense via email sent, but I can not enter. The reason is because the previous account I have canceled.
Of course it is very harmful, initially if accepted I intend to sell the account. Do not get there, I then find a solution for my account can be returned by asking through google, forums, groups and so forth. Then a lot of masters who provide an alternative for the account can be restored.
With the experience I have gained and input from the masters I have, it makes me want to share with you all who are experiencing the same thing. then than that on this occasion I will discuss about How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled, for more details you can directly refer to some of the ways below.
This way you can do by contacting google adsense directly. In this case you need to open an email from google related to account cancellation issue and then request to return your account. This process is usually only done if the cancellation process has not lasted long. So here's how to do it:
But the problem is the process of returning this account is almost the same when registration. The google adsense party reviews your blog, so if this process works then you will receive an email that your account has been reactivated.
This is the last solution if you fail to do the first thing. Try to reapply to adsense. This solution I've tried and proven successful, I think this way is easier than the previous way. But there are some things you should consider, including:
Re-register has a greater chance to be accepted, because previously the blog has been accepted adsense. But if you are still rejected, you should try to re-register by filling the different folmulir, eg with the data of parents and relatives.
That's the tips I can share this time about How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled. Hopefully with what I have said above although a little short, but can be useful for you. Good luck.
Then after two days later I open an email and get a message that the adsense account I registered has been accepted (full approve). Then I try to login to adsense via email sent, but I can not enter. The reason is because the previous account I have canceled.
Of course it is very harmful, initially if accepted I intend to sell the account. Do not get there, I then find a solution for my account can be returned by asking through google, forums, groups and so forth. Then a lot of masters who provide an alternative for the account can be restored.
With the experience I have gained and input from the masters I have, it makes me want to share with you all who are experiencing the same thing. then than that on this occasion I will discuss about How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled, for more details you can directly refer to some of the ways below.
Return Adsense by Contacting Google
This way you can do by contacting google adsense directly. In this case you need to open an email from google related to account cancellation issue and then request to return your account. This process is usually only done if the cancellation process has not lasted long. So here's how to do it:
- first re-login to the adsense account with the previously canceled email.
- Then click "Request Account ReActivation".
- Then you just wait for the reactivation process of your account.
But the problem is the process of returning this account is almost the same when registration. The google adsense party reviews your blog, so if this process works then you will receive an email that your account has been reactivated.
Return Adsense by Re-Enroll
This is the last solution if you fail to do the first thing. Try to reapply to adsense. This solution I've tried and proven successful, I think this way is easier than the previous way. But there are some things you should consider, including:
- Before re-register try to cancel all accounts associated with adsense concerned with your personal data. This is important, because if not then your registration will be directly rejected because of duplicate user information.
- If you are doing the first way then you should cancel it too.
- Then sign up with a new gmail account and still fress.
- Then you just wait for the review process to run.
Re-register has a greater chance to be accepted, because previously the blog has been accepted adsense. But if you are still rejected, you should try to re-register by filling the different folmulir, eg with the data of parents and relatives.
That's the tips I can share this time about How To Restore Adsense That Has Been Canceled. Hopefully with what I have said above although a little short, but can be useful for you. Good luck.
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