How to Add Automatically Source Links
How to Add Automatically Source Links - On the Internet it is very easy to copy text from one site and paste it into another site. Technically, if a blog visitor copies text from a particular site he should provide a link to the source of the site for which he or she copies the text.
But there are also people who ignore this important thing. To avoid that, here I will provide a code that automatically if someone copies the text section of our article it will automatically bring up the source link of the text he copied.
Although this way I think is still less effective because the source link can be removed easily and this tips is an old way that can still be utilized, but at least will provide a little warning for those who copy the text of our blog articles. Here's How To Automatically Add Source Links.
This code works in some favorite browsers (including Microsoft Edge). Go to Blogger page >> Click Themes >> Click Edit HTML button and add the code below:
Version 1
Version 2
Then click Save theme.
So it's easy not to create the source link. This is the first article I've shared about How to Add Automatically Source Links. Hopefully with a fairly short article this article can be useful and useful for you all. Good luck.
But there are also people who ignore this important thing. To avoid that, here I will provide a code that automatically if someone copies the text section of our article it will automatically bring up the source link of the text he copied.
Although this way I think is still less effective because the source link can be removed easily and this tips is an old way that can still be utilized, but at least will provide a little warning for those who copy the text of our blog articles. Here's How To Automatically Add Source Links.
How to Add Automatically Source Links
This code works in some favorite browsers (including Microsoft Edge). Go to Blogger page >> Click Themes >> Click Edit HTML button and add the code below:
Version 1
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Copy Text
function nocopas(){var e=window.getSelection();pagelink=" Read more : "+document.location.href,copytext=e+pagelink,newdiv=document.createElement("div"),"absolute","-99999px",document.body.appendChild(newdiv),newdiv.innerHTML=copytext,e.selectAllChildren(newdiv),window.setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(newdiv)},100)}document.addEventListener("copy",nocopas);
Version 2
<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(e,t){var n="getSelection",o="removeAllRanges",i="addRange",l="parentNode",a="firstChild",d="appendChild",r="removeChild",s="test",c="innerHTML";if(e[n]){var p,g,f,h,u,y;t.addEventListener("copy",function(C){for(;3===g.nodeType;)g=g[l];if(h=t.createElement("div"),(p=e[n]())&&p.rangeCount&&(p=p.getRangeAt(0))&&(f=p.cloneRange(),p=p.cloneContents())){for(;u=p[a];)h[d](u);if(!/^(pre|code)$/i[s](g.nodeName||"")&&!/(^|\s)no-attribution(\s|$)/i[s](g.className||"")){var v=e.location.href;h[c]+="<br><br>© "+t.title+'<br>Source: <a href="'+v+'">'+v+"</a>"}y=t.createRange(),t.body[d](h),y.selectNodeContents(h),p=e[n](),p[o](),p[i](y),setTimeout(function(){h[l][r](h),p[o](),p[i](f)})}},!1)}}(window,document);
Then click Save theme.
So it's easy not to create the source link. This is the first article I've shared about How to Add Automatically Source Links. Hopefully with a fairly short article this article can be useful and useful for you all. Good luck.
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