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Make Visitors More Convenient Being on Your Website With AMP Technology

Make Visitors More Convenient Being on Your Website With AMP Technology - For site and website developers, it is important to keep up-to-date with the latest information on existing technology. Knowledge of the development of web browser system or any other supporting technology is needed. With up-to-date information you are not left behind and lost by other competitors in web marketing affairs, or in website monetization.

The last few times appear some obstacles raised by the owners of websites or pages of sites such as wordpress, blogs, and others. The problem refers to the length of time on page loading because access to website content takes time. It leads to stifling and impatient visitors or customers. If this keeps happening, do not be surprised that one day your site will be lonely or lose visitors altogether.

Make Visitors More Convenient Being on Your Website With AMP Technology

Losing visitors is just like losing a regular customer. In the parable, of course you (as the shop owner) do not want to lose your prospect. Though the main purpose when you build a website is clear, that crowded visitors, creating loyal customers, the name of the popular website of the popular, and you get money from your work and passion.

Google as one of the best internet technology and search engine company has been working on a way to solve the problem. Together with a specially formed team, they create a new technology called AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP is a technique created in search engine readings, so visitors can directly meet the content they are looking for.

Focus on Wanted Content

For this section, now try to imagine when you want to visit a food website. Your goal is actually just to see food type korean food or japanese food. Often when you search for such content, you are required to log in to the website without immediately getting the content and it is very time consuming and your internet quota.

Answering the problem AMP creates a syntax or program language that allows search engines to deliver content that suits your liking. When you first have to enter the website and search for content first, by using AMP, on google search page specific content you want you can directly access and read.

Same and Understandable Complexity

There are concerns on some website developers about AMP. This usually happens to those who are beginners in the program area. Questions like, does AMP use different programming languages? Does the website build up from scratch again? Will the website content change its shape and appearance? Almost all questions refer to the attention to the quality and the posibility of AMP use.

The fact of using AMP is simple. The programming language of AMP itself is expressed using the same structure, like normal programming language used in HTML. The use of opening and closing tags is still similar, with some additional languages ​​(the word 'amp' to be embedded). In building AMP, the Google certainly would not want to create a hassle for the owners / developers of the website.

Continuing the seriousness of Google in helping website owners / developers, they released several websites that can help in operating the AMP. The first website is which provides an introduction and full information on AMP for those who are using it for the first time. Through this site, you can learn about AMP completely.

The second and third websites are and Both websites are intended for those who want to directly coding by looking at examples already given. Especially for, all of you who do not have the desire or language ability of the program can create their own website with AMP templates already provided by Google, and of course ready to be directly used.

A few articles I have tried to share this time about Make Visitors More Convenient Being on Your Website With AMP Technology. Hopefully with this short enough article, it can be useful and useful for us all. Good luck.

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