What is Alt Tag and its effect on SEO? This is the answer
What is Alt Tag and its effect on SEO? This is the answer - To create Quality SEO Content then you need to do optimization. Image Optimization is part of SEO on page that is useful to boost your blog ranking in search engine results. By adding alt tags and alt image titles will be more easily understood by search engine robots.
Alt tags or the so-called "alt description" are HTML attributes used as tags in images (alternate text) for images to be easily understood by search engines. Adding alt tags to blog post images can add SEO value to your posts.
Basically search engine robots are very difficult when understanding an image that does not have an alt attribute, so the image can not be crawled properly. Alt tags are the best way for images to be more easily understood by search engines. Thus the image will appear in the search results when someone writes the same keywords that are placed on the image.
So essentially alt tags are very influential on ranking or image position in search results. The more relevant and good alt tags that are added to the image the greater the likelihood that images will appear on search engines. In addition, alt tags are useful for substituting images to form text when the process of loading images on web pages is too heavy.
1. Platform Blogspot
2. Platform WordPress
To apply good On Page SEO techniques you need to understand how to maximize alt tags on images. Thus the content or posting will have a good SEO value in the eyes of search engines so it can appear on the first page.
Thus the discussion that I can say about What is Alt Tag and its effect on SEO. Hopefully with this short enough article can be useful and useful for you. Good luck.
Alt tags or the so-called "alt description" are HTML attributes used as tags in images (alternate text) for images to be easily understood by search engines. Adding alt tags to blog post images can add SEO value to your posts.
The real function of alt tags
Basically search engine robots are very difficult when understanding an image that does not have an alt attribute, so the image can not be crawled properly. Alt tags are the best way for images to be more easily understood by search engines. Thus the image will appear in the search results when someone writes the same keywords that are placed on the image.
So essentially alt tags are very influential on ranking or image position in search results. The more relevant and good alt tags that are added to the image the greater the likelihood that images will appear on search engines. In addition, alt tags are useful for substituting images to form text when the process of loading images on web pages is too heavy.
Tips on adding alt tags to images
- We recommend using an optimized image,
- Alt tags should contain keywords,
- Not too long, the point is short but contains targeted keywords,
- Then alt tags should be relevant or appropriate to the image.
How to add alt tag to post image
1. Platform Blogspot
- First upload the image first,
- When you finish "select property",
- Then input the appropriate words.
2. Platform WordPress
- Upload an image,
- Then the next contents on the description of the image,
To apply good On Page SEO techniques you need to understand how to maximize alt tags on images. Thus the content or posting will have a good SEO value in the eyes of search engines so it can appear on the first page.
Thus the discussion that I can say about What is Alt Tag and its effect on SEO. Hopefully with this short enough article can be useful and useful for you. Good luck.
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